
Dec 16, 2007
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hey everyone! i'm excited i found this place. i owned an upright acoustic for years and played on some really nice grands as well. i went off to college and wasn't able to play as much. now, i'd like to get back into it as i really miss it. i am looking to purchase an 88-key board (home use only) for christmas but am kinda lost. i went into a couple of stores and played around on some keyboards but it was really difficult to notice too much of a difference at such a cursory glance. the most important thing to me, is the feel and the grand piano sound. i wouldnt mind having other sound effects, but for now, since 98% of the time i play classical, the replication of the grand sound is most important. i'm on about a $700 budget.

a couple of questions: can someone explain the differences in pedals? sustain, etc? how much does 32-note polyphony effect the music one plays? is it pretty common for classical music to push the boundaries of polyphony? what kind of pieces will cause trouble for a piano with 32-note polyphony? also, what are some good places to purchase keyboards (or the keyboards you recommend)?

i appreciate all and any comments. thanks!
Jul 18, 2007
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Hmm.... 700$ is not enough even for a good stage piano... Or maybe you're going
to buy something used? My opinion is that Yamaha has great stage pianos with
good weighted keys, and great sound.

I wrote something on polyphony the other day so you may check out that as well.
32-note poliphony on a stage piano will might just pull it off if you don't use
the sustain pedal a lot during big arpeggios.
Dec 16, 2007
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Does anyone know the difference, in regards to sound and feel, between the yamaha ypg-625 and the p-70? once again, mostly interested in the grand piano sound. i've read complaints about the 'plunk' sound of the ypg-625 and that it was hard to play any pp pieces. does the same go for the p-70?

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