Did you ask over on the Cakewalk and Kurzweil Forums I linked?
Not yet.
Delaware Dave and I are pretty much the only Kurzweil owners on this forum.
OK.. i just found that out.
On the Kurzweil forums you have company support reps and on the Cakewalk Forums you'll find lots of encouragement but very little help with your particular instrument.
The point is, you're not very likely to get much more help with your project here.
Sorry , not sorry for asking.
The documentation is all out there on the web and the sooner you teach yourself how to write your own, the sooner you'll have the INS file.
The documentation *MAY* all be out there on the web, but I have yet to find it OR the exported file you mentioned and I don't yet have my PC4 to try to compose one.
Do you think I wrote all the INS files that I did just for fun ?
Absolutely not and I'm sorry if If that was implied..I'm also sorry that you may think that,
I also TOTALLY understand that I CAN'T do this myself until I have the instrument listing in a form that I can use to create said definition file.
Every time I encountered a new piece of gear in my collection my choice was to either write my own or pray that someone else would write one for me.
And even then, a lot of times if one has been prewritten it's buggy as hell.
It's a learned skill just like anything else.
You can plaster every forum out there for months, but the board isn't even shipping yet and unless Kurzweil supplied one of their own then you are strictly on your own.
The PC4 HAS shipped and I'd be willing to bet that *SOMEONE* out there has some information pertaining to this particular instrument and will share it IF I can find them.
Anyway, I predict you'll keep looking for a month or two and then finally you'll roll up your sleeves and write the bloody thing yourself.
Again.. IF I had the instrument, I would be on it...
Oh there ARE shortcuts.. you just have to find them. Sorry to bother you. Until I have the instrument IN HAND and set up so I CAN actually try to generate the info I need, I'll keep looking.