OK George (and anyone else who is interested)
We're going to take this thing right from the top thru the entire process. We'll split the keyboard, select an
upper and lower tone and adjust their octave offsets and volumes. Before proceeding, I recommend reading over Page
36 of the Owner's Manual on how the parts are arranged within the mixer so you will have a better idea what is going
on when we get to that part.
So that we are all starting at the same point, start with the keyboard powered off. Power it on, and it should come
up to the initial TONE/RHYTHM selection screen. The TONE is StereoGrPiano, which is currently assigned to the
UPPER1 TONE and is spread across the entire keyboard. This screen does not show all of that information. It's just
something that you know when the keyboard first comes up. To keep things simple, we will stay with that TONE for
UPPER1, We just need to move it down one octave, so press and HOLD the OCTAVE button until the OCTAVE SHIFT screen comes up. Press the NO/V/- button once. The screen should now show an octave shift of -1 for the UPPER1 TONE. Press the EXIT button once to go back to the initial screen.
Now we will split the keyboard and select the LOWER TONE. Momentarily press the SPLIT button. Note that the screen
is now showing a TONE of Acous. Bass 1. That is the TONE that is currently assigned to the LOWER part. We could
use the +/- buttons, the jog wheel, or the TONE category buttons to select a different TONE, but we want the DRAWBAR
ORGAN, so momentarily press the DRAWBAR ORGAN button. You should now have your octave shifted piano on the upper keyboard and an organ on the lower keyboard. We need to bring it up a bit. Once again, press and HOLD the OCTAVE button until the OCTAVE SHIFT SCREEN comes up, but it is still pointed at the UPPER1 TONE, so MOMENTARILY press the OCTAVE button a second time. Now it is pointed at the UPPER2 TONE. MOMENTARILY press the OCTAVE button a third time and it will be pointed at the LOWER TONE. Press the YES/^/+ button twice to bring it up two octaves. Press the EXIT button once to get back to the DRAWBAR screen. This is probably the screen that you will want to keep up as you play so you can keep track of your drawbar positions. Give it a try. You should have a grand piano on the upper keyboard and a drawbar organ with working drawbars and perc/rotary buttons on the lower keyboard.
If the organ tends to over power the piano, we can bring its level down a bit with the mixer. Press the MIXER
button to bring up the mixer screen. Note that the cursor under the mixer grid is under the number 1, which is
track or channel A01 which controls the UPPER1 TONE. Channel A02 controls UPPER2 and A03 controls the LOWER TONE, so we need to move the cursor over to channel 3. Press the RIGHT ARROW (>) twice and note that the mixer is now pointed at A03 LOWER, but it is still set up for selecting a tone. We need to set it up for controlling volume.
Press the DOWN ARROW (V) once and notice that it is now set up to turn the LOWER TONE ON or OFF. Press the DOWN ARROW (V) again and you are ready to adjust the volume of the LOWER TONE. The default level is 127. To start, turn the jog wheel counter-clockwise and drop it down to about 90 or 95. You may need to adjust this level a bit from time to time as you change the drawbar positions. The more drawbars you have out, the louder the organ voice. At this point, if you
just press the EXIT button once, it will take you back to the DRAWBAR screen. Then if you press the MIXER button,
it will bring you back to this screen with the cursor setting right where you left it, so you can use the MIXER and
EXIT buttons to switch between these two screens. Do not try to play either of the UPPER tones while you are on the
MIXER screen, as at that point the organ will be temporarily spread across the entire keyboard.
Want to add a second UPPER voice ? Just press the LAYER button and it will bring in the default strings (UPPER2) tone. Then you should be able to use the above info to select different tones, octaves, and volumes for any of the parts.
If you really get into this, I strongly recommend saving your efforts to registrations so that you can bring them back up at the touch of a button.
Enjoy !