DGX-660 (and/or 670) Can you duplicate my problem?

Oct 13, 2020
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I am experiencing something that I think is a problem. I've included a couple minute and half video showing 2 settings to make and then I play the keys.

I am hoping others out here with DGX-660 and or 670s can spend 5 minutes and see if your's does the same. I think it is a problem. I find that if playing keys in a slur. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slur_(music) that the keys will sound off tone.

I'd really appreciate those who can take a few moments to test on your DGX and let me know if it is the same, or not. As well, if it seems to be normal, do you have any tips for working around it? (Seems to me I just need to learn to play with discreet key presses, leaning toward stacatto) if I want to use styles.

Oct 13, 2020
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@Rayblewit, I really appreciate your doing that test. I guess it is how the keyboard works.

But I have to say that I have experienced this while playing a style. In fact it not working like I think it should, which of course may not be an accurate thought, is problematic even during a style. Playing with styles and experiencing this is what turned me on to the chase of this problem.

In the video below, I am playing the Bass clef only while using a style (#35) to demonstrate the problem. This was before I came to realize the specifics per the video in this chat.

  • At 34 seconds it sounds wrong when playing Middle C, I let up and press again, and it sounds right. I now realize that this likely was what I demonstrated in the video in the OP...slurring the bass keys, it sounded different, then when let up and press it sounds correct.
  • Again at 1:01. My analysis during this video was "It's not going back to C", but now I realize it was playing similar to the vid above
  • AT 2:12 it worked correctly for the same key
  • Fails again at 1:27
Given this second demo, it sure seems like a problem to me. The fix is not slurring the keys, but I don't see that as a solution, as some songs really are written that utilize a slur. Of course, it also depends on your personal taste.

Feb 13, 2021
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Yes. I have noticed this as well, so I think it is the way it is designed. It is for those who don't know how to play a sequence of notes, and instead, they hit just one note and it fills in the chord, based on the key signature. The problem is, that there are lots of songs where the chord isn't what the keyboard plays. For example, I was playing Neal Young's song, "Harvest" today and at there is a B minor chord. But the keyboard plays B major, which sounds bad and doesn't match the song. So, unless I'm still not understanding how this works, it is not useful except when you are jamming in a key and using the styles that are programmed into the keyboard. I have not found these features useful in having a more full band type of sound with songs where the artist doesn't follow their prescribed pattern.
Oct 13, 2020
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I should point out that I am still a rookie. Got the keyboard in Oct, and learning to play.

What I have found is that playing ANY style with ACMP on, or Smart Chord on, if playing the bass notes with a slur, the tones change. It does make the sound all wrong. In order to keep it from happening, I must distinctly hit and release a key for the proper tone to play. It is quite finicky about that, almost at the point where you hear a distinct "no tone" gap between the notes.

I just don't get it. Why buy an arranger keyboard with styles, etc, if they play all screwed up?

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