DIY or cheap Pedalboard

May 27, 2012
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I was kind of unsure where to put this question, so I thought that I would just put it here.
I am looking into buying a pedalboard to add to my keyboard setup so I can play the bass and keyboards at the same time. The problem is that ready-made pedalboards, such as the Hammond XK, cost thousands of dollars and get more expensive the more keys there are. After searching the internet, there have been numerous people who have stated that it is possible to make your own pedalboard. So far, the best I found was this: The problem is that this pedalboard is a kit that needs things like soldering and such to put together, which I can't do, plus it is from Europe somewhere and would have to ship it overseas (I think), and the pedals aren't really long enough to play the heel-toe technique. As far as other diy midis I have looked up, I have come short when looking for clear instructions on how this could be done and where I could buy the parts. Is there anywhere on the web that has clear, step by step, instructions on how to make a pedalboard that doesn't involve too much work involved (anything more than nails and screws, e.g. no soldering or wood-cutting)? I was thinking about a way to take an old Hammond 25-note pedalboard off of ebay and somehow combine it with a 25-note cheap keyboard, such as this:
but again, fell short in surfing the web. Any Help will be appreciated!!! :)
Jun 7, 2011
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Hej ZJE123,

I found this for you:

This pedals are from Viscount in Italy:

The first link shows a site in sweden which gives prices in SEK but with
freight kost till your house. So, a 27 midi-pedal board costs incl. 2 sweller pedals ca. 1200,-- EUR. I don't know where you live, but make price question till company in Italy.

And here is another site from a german company:

Good luck!
May 27, 2012
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Hej ZJE123,

I found this for you:

This pedals are from Viscount in Italy:

The first link shows a site in sweden which gives prices in SEK but with
freight kost till your house. So, a 27 midi-pedal board costs incl. 2 sweller pedals ca. 1200,-- EUR. I don't know where you live, but make price question till company in Italy.

And here is another site from a german company:

Good luck!

Thanks for your help! However:
I'm not sure about the first link, as google wasn't able to translate it. Unfortunately, I would really want to stay away from something outside of America because a few I am sure shipping on something of that size would be a lot of money. I will try to translate this in case you don't read English well :)

Tack för hjälpen! dock:
Jag är inte säker på den första länken, som Google inte kunde översätta den. Tyvärr skulle jag verkligen vill hålla sig borta från något utanför USA, eftersom ett fåtal jag är säker på sjöfarten på något av den storleken skulle vara mycket pengar. Jag ska försökaöversätta denna om du inte läser engelska så bra :)
Aug 18, 2010
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Perth, Scotland
@OP Just saw your post. What you're describing may be possible but not by you if you're worried about soldering or DIY.

goldi5210 is a regular on here (with excellent English) - and his advice above is spot on. You should be looking to purchase something ready made - check EBay for the Fatar ones. I've owned one the Roland pedal boards in the past - the smaller of the two. Very nice, lots of features just not enough notes. The Fatar ones are very basic but cheaper second hand.

KeyboardForum has a broad reach - we have members and posters from all over the world. If you want some US specific help you could have a go at posting your question on the keyboard forum over at It's run by the USA published Keyboard magazine. A lot of the regulars on there are USA/Canada based - they may be aware of someone on the landmass where you're based who could assemble something for you.

Good luck
May 27, 2012
Reaction score
@OP Just saw your post. What you're describing may be possible but not by you if you're worried about soldering or DIY.

goldi5210 is a regular on here (with excellent English) - and his advice above is spot on. You should be looking to purchase something ready made - check EBay for the Fatar ones. I've owned one the Roland pedal boards in the past - the smaller of the two. Very nice, lots of features just not enough notes. The Fatar ones are very basic but cheaper second hand.

KeyboardForum has a broad reach - we have members and posters from all over the world. If you want some US specific help you could have a go at posting your question on the keyboard forum over at It's run by the USA published Keyboard magazine. A lot of the regulars on there are USA/Canada based - they may be aware of someone on the landmass where you're based who could assemble something for you.

Good luck

Oh, ok, I wasn't sure. It said he is based in Sweeden so I thought that if Sweedish is his native language, it would be easier for him to understand whether he knew English or not. I wasn't trying to offend him.

As far as the fatar, I did look on ebay selling for $500. Unfortunately, $500 is still too overpriced for my price range and it is only 13 pedals, I need something with 25 minimum.

On the German website, the pedalboards there are roughly $1,500, which is about the same price as the other ones I was looking at, thinking they were way too expensive.

I hope I doesn't sound like I'm trying to get something at a very, relatively impractical, cheap price. I just find $500 or more to be a lot when a 25-note regular keyboard sells for as low as $70. I find it hard to believe that the extra labor and over-sized notes would make one of these things more than $1,000 more in most cases.

I'm going to post this same question on the U.S. website you mentioned.

As far as buying the pedalboard from another country, it's not that I would have a problem with it being another country, I am just worried about import fees. If it turns out that they aren't expensive, I would be willing to buy something from Sweeden or Germany.

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