File System Pa5x

Apr 25, 2018
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I have very kindly been sent a folder full of files from some of the older Korg arranger models, including some Styles and Keyboard sets that I'd like to be able touse on my Pa5X

These originally came in a ZIP file that I have unzipped as normal and once unzipped they display in a Folder called
20240214 backup.kst which is probably the date it was created. That folder when opened is called Allerlei.stg

Within that folder there are a number of more detailed folders.

The only two that interest me at the moment are the Keyboard Sets and the Styles.
In the Keyboard sets Folder all the files have the suffix .ksc
In the Styles Folder all the Styles have the suffix .stg.

So I put these two folders onto a Memory stick and put them in the top ( F drive) on my keyboard.
Press the File button, identify the F drive and open one or the other of them.
And that's where I'm hitting a problem.

Even when I have all the contents of the folder showing, when I press on an individual Style or Keyboard set, it does not recognise or play it.
Further, if I go to save these extra files into my SD Card on the keyboard OR to any other destination for that matter,
although I can SELECT ALL....I cannot LOAD it, because the LOAD option is greyed out....

SOME styles, I can play direct from the Memory Stick, but others not at all. NONE of the keyboard sets will play direct from the memory stick.

Although I'm reasonably confident in moving and transferring files around both on PC's and other keyboards, I
must be missing something? Can some kind soul give me some ideas as to what I'm doing wrong.

Sep 6, 2017
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Lancashire, UK.
Stop doing what you are doing or you will screw up the 5X.

With a Korg PRESUME that you will screw up if you randomly press buttons
Apr 25, 2018
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Hi Biggles

I have now got these loaded without issue. I identified the problem.

When I looked carefully at the path of the main folder on my PC, I quickly realised that there were, in fact two further folders with the same name.... Folders within folders. So a long impossible to process path.
Once I'd loaded the actual working folders I had no problems.

Some, were clearly not of interest to me, and have been kept on my pc storage until I have more knowledge.

I take your point on being careful with files. Thanks for this.... I have no intention of screwing up my shiny new keyboard, but I don't want to be afraid of exploring it to learn it fully. I'm getting on well with it. So much so that I have now let my PSR SX700 go. The Korg is just a so much more rewarding keyboard to play.

Thanks Biggles 😊
Sep 6, 2017
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Lancashire, UK.
In the old Pa OS if one loaded a .kst soundfile folder it overrode all the factory sounds.

One had to dive down into the file and locate the actual sound file.

As yet I do not know enough about the new OS so if you have issues I will not be able to help.

I do not have any intention of loading any third party files. I would only load new Korg Style files.

Not sure if the Korg UK, Bonusware site will be updated with additional resources for the 5X as two of the main members of UK staff have left the company and Luke is the one who seemed to do most of the donkeywork and he looks after the promo for all Korg products so probably is a bit strapped for time.
Apr 25, 2018
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Hi Biggles

Fortunately, before downloading there is an unchecked box asking if you wish to overwrite the existing files.
Maybe Korg have put that in as a safety feature on the Pa5X.

I obviously left the box unchecked, and can confirm that thus far in, everything appears to be working well.

It's one hell of a keyboard! So pleased with it.

As always Thank you. 😊

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