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Jul 13, 2016
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Here is a beautiful vision in music I had maybe 10 years ago that I wish someone could do and you can have it because I do not have the ability or time to carry it out and I would just love to see this before I'm gone.
I remembered this after I posted a video of "heart and soul on big piano" with a young couple actually dancing on the large keys to the song and to play the song. To me that one was beautiful because of how it captures the spirit of the song. .
Anyway, here it is, and I hope you imagine the vision as I do:
A scruffy old man in a tattered coat and hat is hiking in a rugged desolate snow covered wilderness. He reaches the summit of a rocky snow covered hill overlooking a frozen pond. He sits down catching his breath and then reaches into his torn canvas bag and pulls out a pair of ice skates and puts them on. He moves on to the ice, wobbly and barely able to stand. Then he begins to skate. Suddenly, the scenery becomes sparkly, glistening and shrouded in a bright aura. The instrumental music of the "Everly Brothers, Dream" begins playing. From a distance, on the pond in the sparkling mist, a beautiful young women on skates apears and is moving toward him. She reaches him, they embrace gently, and begin skating together to the music. The camera pans out to show that he had been transformed into a handsome young man as they are skating together beautifully for the duration of the song. As the song begins to end, you see the beautiful woman begin to fade back to where she came and as it ends he is back in his tattered coat and hat. He removes his skates, puts them back in his bag, and trudges back down the hill. When he reaches the bottom he stops and reaches into his coat. He pulls out a locket which says "In memory of my wife.<insert name>.." He opens it and it is a picture of the beautiful young woman he skated with. He holds the locket tightly in his hand and looks to the sky as a tear begins to form.

edit: the song played in a way to fit this is key to the vision. I hear a slow solo piano version.
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Oriane Lima

Hold on
Jul 2, 2016
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Hey, Alchemy, this is my attempt to live up to your text and the scene described in that vision. The song was the result of the action that unfolds with the words. :)

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Jul 13, 2016
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Nice Oriane! You did capture some of the general idea. Thanks for your work!
BTW, I wanted to change "In memory of my wife.<insert name>.." because it's just too, too .....
and just have her name on the locket and let the watcher figure it out.
Unfortunately, I can't hear the music right now because of my bout with meneires disease. Usually it comes and goes for weeks or months. It also effects my thinking and memory like a flu where everything is cloudy.
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Jul 13, 2016
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Oriane, I did listen now with my hearing better for the moment. My vision was considerably different and my words don't fit what you did or probably ruin what you did. They are different entities of their own.. Removing my vision and words and just getting into yours I think wow! You really did capture a dream and a state of mind but in a different way. It also has some artistic capture that I can't put into word right now. I like the words rolling at the end but for that I think maybe just some sort of poem about dreams would fit better. If you or I could also add to that poem, something about a feeling this portrays, which is not easily captured by the mind but that which some may relate to it might even make this monumental.

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