This might be an ignorant question, or an impossible one, we shall see. I am primarily a bass player but I am looking to expand and incorporate some keyboard playing into our live shows. I have an old Triton LE that I have used off and on for years, naturally the samples on it are beyond dated. How can I leverage this keyboard (I assume as just a midi controller) and get much more modern sounds/samples? I have done some research and found modules that might do what I need (and in my price range, <$400) but are these the best options? Or is there some other technology that is more viable? We play classic rock and jamband kind of stuff so I would only really need good pianos, electric pianos (B3) and clavinet type stuff. Portability is a concern so any big rack stuff is just not viable. A 1u device would be fine though, I have a slot in my existing bass rig. Some stuff I looked into:
Roland JV-1010
Roland SD-50
Alesis NanoPiano
Or is it better to use a software solution? I have an older Macbook (2009) to allocate. Is latency an issue here? Thoughts, suggestions? Any mature input is appreciated.
Roland JV-1010
Roland SD-50
Alesis NanoPiano
Or is it better to use a software solution? I have an older Macbook (2009) to allocate. Is latency an issue here? Thoughts, suggestions? Any mature input is appreciated.