I had three contenders, the MAudio Oxygen Pro, a Novation Launchkey and a Nektar Impact LX
My local Music Store had them in stock and the MAudio and Novation were on display, they got out the Nektar for me but after trying them the MAudio is more robust in construction and has a vastly better feel to the keybed which is semi weighted with channel aftertouch.
The other two just have synth action keybeds and light construction, the downside of the MAudio is that it cost £135 where the other two were only c£90.
I did have an Arturia Essential a while back, what a load of crap that was, key feel all over the place and a very flimsy feel to all the controls.
Do note that I have the Oxygen Pro, they also produce a straight Oxygen model which I did not consider.
Also it is easily missed but quite a few of the available small form factor MIDI units only have mini keys which for me limited the available models, all the above have full sized keys.