Keyboard MIDI input lag/delay

Jul 7, 2016
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I'm looking to buy a MIDI keyboard to use with a piano VST, as a budget piano-alternative. I've found a cheap Panasonic SX-KC211 with MIDI compatibility and a sustain pedal, however it's discontinued and looks ancient so will this mean that the keyboard will have greater input delay than a newer keyboard? Or is it mostly down to the quality of your MIDI lead?


I meant to play that note!
Jun 6, 2014
Reaction score
As I understand it, the latency or delay between when you strike the keys and when you hear the sounds from your computer is primarily due to the sound card, the process of converting analog signals to digital (and vice versa), and how processes are prioritized in the multi-tasking environment by your computer. of course, there are also some other considerations, such as processor speed and buffer settings. In any event, the age of the keyboard should have nothing to do with the latency. Most modern DAWs are designed to run with high priority, although it's still a good idea to shut down any other programs and background processes that you don't need so the computer doesn't try to share its CPU time between too many processes. Some latency problems and other audio issues can be reduced by decreasing the buffer sizes and bit depth. As for the sound card, the driver can have a big impact, and if the card doesn't have an ASIO driver then you can probably reduce latency by using ASIO4ALL, but most musicians who use a computer to record music or to play virtual instruments prefer to get an audio interface rather than relying on their computer's sound card.

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