Looking for a keyboard that is at least as good as a Technics KN6500

Oct 16, 2019
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I have been using a Technics KN6500 for over ten years and have loved the sounds and rhythms it comes with. But it is getting long in the tooth as am I. I wonder if there is another keyboard to consider buying with at least as good sounds and rhythms. I play background music for a non-profit organization called Operation Shoebox. Hundreds of volunteers gather every Monday to assemble care packages for our deployed troops. I love what I am doing but am beginning to hear problems with the quality of the sounds of my keyboard. I don't care what brand name keyboard I buy as long as it is at least as good as my Technics KN6500. You can send any suggestions to (e-mail address removed).
Jun 25, 2010
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"as good as" can be subjective and can vary with in what respect you are comparing them (e.g. you might prefer the bossa nova style on one and the tango style on another; you might prefer the piano on one and the guitars on another; you might prefer some particular feature or real-time control that one has that another doesn't; you might or might not care about sound editing abilities; etc. etc.).

But regardless, without limiting yourself to responses from people who are familiar with the KN6500, the main manufacturers of higher end arranger keyboards these days are Yamaha and Korg. Depending on where you are, maybe Ketron too. Each make a range of models, and of course, their more expensive ones will have advantages over their less expensive ones.

Your Technics had aftertouch, which is a nice function for expressivity, is that important to you? That will reduce your options, since that feature is not so common these days. The only current or recent Yamaha would be Genos/Genos 2, and the Korgs to look at would be PA1000, PA4x, PA5x.
Sep 6, 2017
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Lancashire, UK.
Totally depends upon your budget but even then your choice is very, very limited.

There are three price range options:-

About £1200
Korg Pa700 or Yamaha PX700

About £1800
Korg Pa1000 or Yamaha PX900

£3000 to £4000
Korg Pa5X or Yamaha Genos 2

There is also Ketron models that range from £1500 to OMG that wipes out my Pension.

There are also a plethora of low end models which are more beginner or dabbler oriented and non would come close to your keyboard by way of sound quality.
Apr 11, 2023
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Texas USA
The first two Yamahas and Korgs that Biggles mentioned are probably your best choice. Yamaha kind of picked up where Technics left off when they exited the market. The Pa5X is a recent release and Korg is still working to implement and refine certain features. Ketron is a "boutique" low-volume brand with limited support in some markets. My $.02.
Jun 25, 2010
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If OP was expecting people to email him their suggestions as he said (which kind of defeats the purpose of a discussion board...), he may not be seeing any of this anyway.
Dec 8, 2019
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PC4 or the latest K2700. Most like the keybed more on the K2700.
Compare specs on website.
Apr 20, 2020
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I have been using a Technics KN6500 for over ten years and have loved the sounds and rhythms it comes with. But it is getting long in the tooth as am I. I wonder if there is another keyboard to consider buying with at least as good sounds and rhythms. I play background music for a non-profit organization called Operation Shoebox. Hundreds of volunteers gather every Monday to assemble care packages for our deployed troops. I love what I am doing but am beginning to hear problems with the quality of the sounds of my keyboard. I don't care what brand name keyboard I buy as long as it is at least as good as my Technics KN6500. You can send any suggestions to (e-mail address removed).
Apr 20, 2020
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I have also used the kn6500 for over 10 years and I played a job with it yesterday. I am also finding some concerns with the sounds lately, but nothing big. Before I purchased the kn6500 I tried a great number of keyboards in Ct. and New York and it fit all my needs. I wanted quick changes of styles, good sounds, and it could cover many types of music, and I could sing thru the instrument. I added a (I H. that makes my voice into 4 part harmony) for some 50s and 60s music. Please let me know if you find anyone that can work on this keyboard.It even makes my piano playing more professional. Write into 14-0 in this post. Thanks for listening.

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