Hi, Arnie here from Nashville, just turned 79 and have been playing in 3 bands here but will soon undergo back surgery, so need to lighten my load. I just got myself a Yamaha CK88 and love the B3 section, at a fraction of the cost of a Nord Stage model. Now for the hard part: selecting a lightweight keyboard amp that won't break the budget. I've been lugging a Roland KC-600, but at 65 lbs it's a bit too heavy. I'm looking for an affordable amp in the range of 20-30 lbs. There just don't seem to be many choices. One band has 4 to 12 members depending on the gig and plays Blues and R&B at the best dive bars in town, the other two play originals at a lower volume. So I'm not competing with stacks of Marshalls but need something that can cut through the guitars.