New Synth - and some observations.

Feb 14, 2018
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This arrived today:


Im comparing this with a Virus Ti2 (desktop), a Peak and a Deep Mind 12. Ive not compared it to my Argon8 as Im moving that on (but havent got its replacement yet) or my Fantom 7 as thats a controller anyway so wouldnt be moved.

This is where the interesting bit...

On a single Oscillator - the Virus is closest to the OB6 by quite a way.... The Deep Mins is thin by comparison - and while the Peak is fat - its also quite a lot duller - seems to have its high freqs rolled off even with filter wide open.

With twin notes an octave apart are held the same holds true - the beating of the the notes is closest on the Virus - but is controllable on both DM and Peak so there more flexible if you want that. Its also apparent that as well as duller, the Peak is brassier than the others - almost chorused on a bare waveform.

twin Oscillators - single note. This is where it changes. Virus has no beating at all in this case - which makes me thing the "natural detuned beating" evident with a single Osc on twin notes is frequency related, but it makes Virus sound flat by comparison. Peak takes over here - though its still duller and brassier by a way. Deep mind doesnt shine, theres some thinning and thickening BUT you do have to be in poly mode to replicate this due to the single Osc structure so its a compromise at best here.

Now - forget base waveform, and construct a sound that suits each synth. Peak and Virus are JUST as pleasing, but they suit different things. Virus is pads soundscapes, Peak is bass/leads and punch arps an rhythms. They both do both - but thats where they are best. Virus has more FX (good ones) but the ones peak does have are excellent - and the distortion is great. The strange thing is, when dialled in Dee Mind is closer to the OB6 than either of them.... Go Figure (OK its DCO full analogue but the week Osc wouldnt lead you to think it could do this).

The OB6 is the best sounding BUT its week FX puts it at a disadvantage for some sounds of course. All in all though a good mix of options. As a Lone Dave smith, and at home the FX isnt a problem - Im routing it through my AFX.... but with 2 of them I couldnt separate the returns so would have be be a send effect rather than an insert - which limits it more. Another reason to stick with just one sequential.

I had considered a P6 as well - but after this test I dont think I will bother. it would mean sacrificing the DM and it actually holds its own well enough with better modulation and better FX - so worth keeping. I can get leads, basses and arps within the prophet general sonic space with my Pro3.

That doesnt mean I will KEEP the OB6..... I May after a while change it for the Prophet. The Pro3 has the OB6 filter as well - so could do the same for a missing OB as it does now for a missing Prophet. Well see longer term if the OB6 earns its spot of if I switch it up for a P6.


Destroyer of Eardrums!!!
May 30, 2012
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GTA, Canada
Like my Take 5, which I consider my most "Authentic Sounding" synth, compared to the Deepmind and the Poly D and the Hydrasynth and the Sledge,, I find the DSI/Sequential brand to be the quickest route to recreating some of those magnificent drones and arps we all heard in the 80's.

Not to belittle the deepmind or the virus or the studiologic sledge, but the DSI synths offer hands-on, realtime control that's totally missing in most modern VA synths. It's hard to be creative on the fly if you have to dig 4 menus deep just to find a parameter.

My take 5 has like 30 Pages of Menus TOTAL. Each one is exactly ONE LAYER DEEP. Turn a knob and you are THERE.

It's very much a joy to work with. One knob per function is definitely the way to go.

The Poly D has the same degree authenticity but lacks the ability to save patches making it a labor of love to set up for each tune.

The sledge comes close to one function per knob and can save patches, but being VA it becomes easy to overdrive the D/A converters and create artefacts.

My feeling is that the DSI and Sequential Synths operate at a whole different level of professionalism than most of the stuff you see on the market these days.

Gary ;)
Feb 14, 2018
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Like my Take 5, which I consider my most "Authentic Sounding" synth, compared to the Deepmind and the Poly D and the Hydrasynth and the Sledge,, I find the DSI/Sequential brand to be the quickest route to recreating some of those magnificent drones and arps we all heard in the 80's.

Not to belittle the deepmind or the virus or the studiologic sledge, but the DSI synths offer hands-on, realtime control that's totally missing in most modern VA synths. It's hard to be creative on the fly if you have to dig 4 menus deep just to find a parameter.

My take 5 has like 30 Pages of Menus TOTAL. Each one is exactly ONE LAYER DEEP. Turn a knob and you are THERE.

It's very much a joy to work with. One knob per function is definitely the way to go.

The Poly D has the same degree authenticity but lacks the ability to save patches making it a labor of love to set up for each tune.

The sledge comes close to one function per knob and can save patches, but being VA it becomes easy to overdrive the D/A converters and create artefacts.

My feeling is that the DSI and Sequential Synths operate at a whole different level of professionalism than most of the stuff you see on the market these days.

Gary ;)
They do indeed, but st the expense of other things.

Not just the fx (pro3 and take 5 are better but still not fantastic) bit mod routings (again both better).

Peak, dm, virus are all light years ahead there.

To be fair both dm and virus do have a lot of hands on control of basic synth controls, even if they menu dive for deeper stuff. There not Blofield let alone m1....


Destroyer of Eardrums!!!
May 30, 2012
Reaction score
GTA, Canada
Having owned a Blofeld Module once, I hear you.

Still, the way my studios are set up, my living room is my performance rig and my bedroom studio is my recording studio.

These days I find myself ignoring the Hydrasynth and the Poly D and the Deepmind and the Minilogue and being drawn to the seduction of instant gratification during practice sessions :D

The Take 5 and the Juno DS have become my star attractions, plus a Wavestate and a few modules but the Wavestate again suffers from learning-curve-itis. Way too many menus and submenus and an incomprehensible hold button that REQUIRES BOTH HANDS!@!!

I'm saying most of this consumer priced synth junk arrives buggy as hell and loses half it's value a year later.

Sometimes instead of 1500 so-so and sh***y sounds, all you really need are a dozen or two great ones. :) :) :)

Gary ;)
Feb 14, 2018
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I agree.

For me - its about variety of sound though.

I could replace the DM with the prophet 6 - or replace the Argon8 with a Prophet 6 keyboard OR a Take 5 keyboard. They were both options (well still are to be fair). the FX on the P6 (partly why I went for it over the P5) are functional live but not great. Thats kind of put me off the P6 as well. One like that is fine but 2??

I also feel P6 plus OB6 AND the Pro 3 - while all different, are all flavours of the same thing to an extend. Take 5 is the same but perhaps less so (more LFOs, more flexible Envs plus better FX) but still that general DSi/Sequential Flavour.

The current selection offers more in a broad array. They Hydrasynth will add Poly AT... Even if Im playing the Sequential form it - it adds a different dimension.

I THINK Im, going to keep the modules I have, get Hydrasynth in place of the Argon. If Sequential Bring out a Take 5 in module form Ill revisit replacing Deep Mind with that if if happens.

i do have one of Yorick Techs LFEs being made though (I know him professionally as Electronic Engineers so Im que jumping lol) which adds plenty of modulation flexibility to the OB6 - and the AFX for FX at home/studio makes it pretty much a perfect synth. If I dont gel with the flavour I can replace it with the Prophet and still use the LFE (as its compatable). I may even get the P5 if Im routing FX externally and have the modulation of the LFE anyway.
Dec 25, 2012
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Forgive question asked out of ignorance:

. . . What is the synth that leads off this thread?

There may be a name on the front panel, but I can't find it.

Thanks --

. Charles

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