New Synth recommendation - quite a tight criteria though....

Feb 14, 2018
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Long post - but gives the full picture.

I have had a Modal Argon8M on pre-order since Jan - but obviously due to the current situation they are still not available - and probably wont be for a while - so I have cancelled that order for now. It may be the only thing that works for me - but maybe not so im after advice on other suitable kit.

Current rig is:

1. RD2000 - Pianos, Clave, EPs primarily. Some strings and pads (basic ones) and as a control board.

2. Legend EXP module - errr, for organs.

3. FA07 - basic VA synth primarily. Its not that easy to program with menu's but I like that each osc can have its own filter and Env/LFO. There is enough int he presets that I can find most of what I need and just fine tune so the programability isnt that big a deal. The more Rompler sounds are decent enough as well. I also use the sampler (its basic but is plenty for me).

4. Novation Peak - for the more traditional analogue (almost) poly stuff. Knob per function (again almost).

5. -- stand. I mount these on a 3 tier K&M 18820. RD2000 on the bottom, FA07 in the middle, then a shelf with a 1U line mixer, and midi splitter mounted below it for the modules.

So - why am I looking for something else?

1. Primarily for a programmable arpegiator (yes the FA has one, but its not step - you have to real time play it into the sequencer, export the sequence to the Arp - it does work but its not ideal). Step programming preferable.

2. Step sequencer (again the FAs isnt step as far as I know).

3. Adding something I dont have - in the Argons case wavetables (well the peak kind of does, but its basic).

What are the restrictions.

1. Id like to add something with as little crossover as I can BUT it doesnt have to be wavetables - could be FM, or granular - or even a totally different flavor of subtractive synth compared to Peak etc.

2. SIZE.... The big one. I have 385mm width available (perfect as thats the size of the ArgonM) - but at a push I could stretch it to 430mm ish. More than that and Id have to rehouse the organ module somehow.

3. Im a LIVE player first and foremost., I dont use soft synths and what I have has to work in a set/band environment (functionally) and be mountable on the one stand (or at least in the same footprint).

4. FX. id like as many built in but particularly phaser/flanger/delay/reverb/chorus - those are high on the like list - though not strictly must haves.

What did I consider and why did I not go that way

1. Argon8 - obviously, seemed to pretty much fit - but availability........

2. Minilogue XD. - a lot of crossover with Peak, and its too long at 500mm

3. Hydrasynth - the module COULD be made to fit, BUT you cant save arp patterns, even though you can create them. As Im designing patterns for sons live thats a must really.

4. DSi Rev 2 - lots of crossover. Too wide at 530mm

5. Deep Mind 6/12- again too wide really.

6. Blofeld. Not keen on the 6 knobs and menu diving really, and its old. Not sure how the FX hold up either.

Anything considered other than synths?

1. Digitakt - not really synth but has the arp/sequencer and is a better sampler than the FA. As a live player - and primarily "band" songs not sure its really a fit with its other abilities.

2. Beatstep pro - this one just provides the arp/sequencer. Its possible but Id rather add sounds as well if I could. Might be the way to go for now though.

So, given all that information - is there anything Ive not considered that might fit the bill? If not, is there anything on the options I HAVE considered making them more suitable? and any of the "longer" options worth the faff top find a side mount for the organ module? If so - what are the options to side mount the Legend (apart from a longer top shelf - though Im not completely ruling that out). Is it just worth picking up the arp/sequencer (beatstep or alternatives) and forgetting about the sound generation? Should I just wait and get the Argon if/when China starts exporting again?

Any incite/suggestions/thoughts most welcome.
Feb 14, 2018
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Oh - I am sorry. Excuse me for actually describing what I need rather than just asking for advice with no requirements attached.

If that that zzzzzz why bother to reply at all.....


Destroyer of Eardrums!!!
May 30, 2012
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GTA, Canada
The Blofeld may be old, but it is STILL very relevant. Same with the Novation Ultranova and Mininova and you can pick up any of those cheap as dirt on the used market these days.

Gary ;)
Feb 14, 2018
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I might have to look at Blofeld more in depth. If it does the arp/sequencing stuff well enough (seems to from the spec - 32 note in each I believe) then its an option from that standpoint. Its then just the interface...... not the easiest way (more knobs) but not as hard as some menu driven synths.
Feb 14, 2018
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Ooooh - at 440mm wide... - I could JUST Make the Waldorf Kyra fit...... a bit more expensive that Id budgeted for, but not out of the question.

Not read up a lot - but there are some good prices at present.

No sequencer :( - dont know about an arp though.
Feb 14, 2018
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OK - Kyras out. It does have an arp - but its not programmable though It has 128 patterns. Thing is - that programmable arp is the driver behind getting the new kit.

It did get me revisiting the FA07s arp - and using the step sequencer to program the pattern then import into the arp but:

1. The FAs arp doesnt have a gate - which is a shame as I use the gate settings a lot on peak.
2. If I wanted was prepared for a synth with no programmable arp/sequencer - then Id go for a Hydrasynth at less than half the cost (same width). I wouldnt use 8 parts - 2 yes, maybe 4 but not 8 - and I prefer the other functions and sound of the Hydra.

So - Im back to looking closer at Blofeld, waiting for China to come back online and re-order the Argon - and playing with FAs arp and see if I can make it work and if I can picking up Hydra.

Unless anyone has other suggestions - either how to generate the arp with any synth, or which synth to look at.

**EDIT** I can use the step sequencer to generate a pattern and import it into the FAs arp - and there is a gate of sorts, but it doesnt go as short as id like it to. There is a work around (kind of) at least in peak. If I turn Peaks arp on (but not hold) and feed it the FAs arp on no gate (so the notes ring fully) I can actually control how much gate I have from peak.... so I can get what I want - provided Im using sounds from peak. Might open up the possibility of a Hydrasynth.... but it wont be a quick choice. Ill need to play a lot over the next weekend or 2 and see what I can/cant do (and of course there no saying if Hydra would react in the say way - or even close).
Last edited:
Feb 14, 2018
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Access Virus Ti2 Desktop? Its tight, but I could make that fit with some overhand - but I wouldnt need to move the organ module elsewhere (and could always get a bigger shelf when shops are open again).

Does the Ti2 still make sense 10 years after release (never played a Virus of any kind)?

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