Old Guy, New Tricks

Apr 13, 2024
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Birmingham, AL
O.k., this might run a bit long, so if you don't have the time, you might want to move along to something shorter and more interesting.

I need help. I'm like your grandfather who can't set up his email, and starts every text with "This is your grandfather." I don't understand the latest terminology and technology.

I remember when I was young like you whippersnappers . . . never mind. I'm 57. I was gigging in the late 80s and early 90. I'm still using the same performance synth I used back then -- a Generalmusic S3. It's a workhorse, a powerhouse, and the best synth ever made (your opinion may vary, but mine is, of course, correct). The S3 allowed me to sequence (more on that in a minute) every beat/note/event on an individual, even microscopic (their word, but it fits) basis, so I could create truly custom sequences, including faithful reproductions of cover songs, down to each individual snare hit and cymbal crash.

I want to start gigging again, but the S3 is nearly as old as I am, and wearing out almost as fast. I need to replace it. I want a keyboard that will do exactly the same thing. But most current boards out there don't really talk much about sequencing (a little, but not much). They talk about "performances" and "styles" and so forth. When I started we called individual sounds "patches", but that became "programs" or "voices" or . . . whatever it is now -- and I don't know what all that means, and believe me, I have tried to research the issue. I'm not sure the terminology is industry standard, but rather whatever the manufacturer wants it to mean. Is a performance the same as a sequence? Is a style the same as the one-touch generic drum beat you heard get on some beginning keyboards or those old console organs (Let's rhumba!)? Hard to compare apples to apples without a industry standard glossary of terms.

Please don't suggest I go with a DAW. I considered that option, but for a host of reasons I decided against it. I have no interest in re-litigating that decision in my brain.

I am considering a Yahama Genos2 (yes, it costs almost more than my car -- which is also old -- but after 30 years with the same keyboard, I feel like I've earned the right to splurge a bit for the right keyboard), but I don't know if it will give me the flexibility I want. Also considering the Yamaha Montage7, the Korg Nautilus, the Korg Kronos, and the Roland Fantom. Or maybe a Korg PA5x? Or something else? I don't know what I don't know.

I am currently using a Roland RD2000ex as my primary keyboard, so what I'm looking for is a secondary keyboard, preferably with 76 synth-style keys, that will provide me with a sequencer (or arranger, or performer, or whatever it's called now), most of my voices (other than piano, which the RD handles quite nicely, thank you) -- basically to be my back-up band. But a band playing what I want it to play -- not what some guy at the factory thinks it should play.

Any help/education/advice from you youngsters (and older folks who haven't been out of the game for 30 years) would be much appreciated.

And get off my lawn!
Aug 3, 2024
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I mean, some will tell you that you're crazy for considering the Genos 2, some will tell you it's the most amazing arranger... it's going to come down to what you *need* out of it. The G2 (and G1) have a ton of expansion voices and styles available, including old synths, choir, and my favourite category, orchestral (but also a lot of ethnic, like Middle Eastern, Indian, Turkish, Chinese, Italian, Spain & Portugal, Celtic, Country & Western, German Schlager, etc etc). In North America, the competition doesn't have any such free packs for you to download (except maybe Nord, which costs even more). But in Europe? The story is quite different.

It also depends what you're looking to achieve; note for note covers of your favourite songs? Genos 2 is definitely up there; it handles big band, orchestral, jazz, acoustic rock particularly well (and I'd say orchestral & big band & jazz better than any other board out there); *however*; if you like heavy rock, EDM, Dance/HipHope/R&B, deep bass, or just really good but programmable Hammonds, I'd seriously look at a Korg PA5x as well.

Both do retro (80's) pop really well.

Also, do you want to record track by track, or do everything live? If you want to do live using registrations (switchable snapshots of the keyboard state; ie voices, split point, fx, fingering, even vocal harmony and mic settings? Only Yamaha offers that in such a way that you could chain an infinite number of registrations together.

I know it's hard to envision, so here's a couple of examples from my own youtube channel:

And there's even a potentially great 3rd option; Ketron. Sounds like no other, more layers than either Yamaha or Korg (3 sounds on the Left hand alone!), *but* there is no warranty service within Canada, and only 1 place in the US (I think it's on the East Coast)

Top Gun Maverick on Genos 2

The Show Must Go On on Genos1

Back to the Future on Genos 2



Love Music / Love Life
Nov 18, 2015
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Melbourne Australia
Why should we even bother with you @swgosnell ?
A year ago you asked for advice on the genos2.
Many people here gave you good advice back then and you didn't even bother to give thanks or acknowledgement.
A year later you are asking again about the genos2
You are delusional if you ask me.
53 ain't old BTW. Grow up first, then try us out again sometime after you develop some maturity.
Apr 13, 2024
Reaction score
Birmingham, AL
@Rayblewit, you are absolutely right. I thought I had said "thank you" in my previous thread, but I obviously had not, and that is unquestionably my bad. I apologize. Thank you for your guidance a year ago, and thank you for your correction now.

@amwilburn, that's some pretty cool stuff -- and very helpful. Particularly loved your choice of music. And I could clearly see the keyboard changing registrations as you were playing. Were those changes programed by you, or did you make the changes with a footswitch? Also, were the percussion tracks factory backing tracks, or did you program those in? Again, thanks for the guidance.

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