Privia PX-330 / Kurzweil SP4-7

Jul 15, 2012
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Hello people, this is my first post.

I'm looking for a keyboard in the <1000€ range. Intended use is 70s/80s rock; I'll use it weekly in a rock cover band. A secondary use is 3 or 4 weddings a year, where I would simply require church organ sounds. For the primary use, piano of course (I'm ok with what I have heard already from the PX330), a passable fast strings sound for things like Show must go on, and some jazz and synth organs/strings (we play Toto, Whitesnake, Queen, Rainbow mainly).

I'm split between the Privia PX330 and the Kurzweil SP4-7. Advantages of the former: 88 weighted keys, built-in speakers for the weddings. The Kurz is semiweighted 76 keys without speakers so I'd need extra gear (but only a couple times a year).

The organ/synth sounds of the SP4-7 seem to be better, or so I have read I do not remember anymore in what forum :S which could be an important factor.

None of these two are available to test in my local shops, alas.

I'd like to know (I'm unable to find this info anywhere) if the PX330 has any means to modify the leslie vibrato speed via sustain or wheel? I read somewhere that the SP4-7 does this with the sustain pedal.

In general, any advice in favor of each one of them?
Jul 21, 2012
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Some recommendations:
  • First off, don't go for the Privia PX330, but rather its sibling the PX3.
  • The main difference between the two is that the PX3 doesn't have on board speakers which is a plus -- most all on board speakers for keyboards stink, and you'll be performing with speakers or through a PA anyway.
  • this also lightens the weight of the keyboard which is always a big plus.
  • You download the Privia PX3 or PX330 manuals from Casio here: Casio Manuals and see for yourself about what functionality the keyboard has.
  • The manuals show that both vibrato rate and depth are adjustable for the Casio PX3 and PX330, but note that there's nothing in the manual that specifically states "Leslie Speaker" but I'm pretty sure that this can be emulated (though have not tried it -- I don't play using organ sounds).
  • Edit: On searching further through the manual, I now see that there also is a specific "Rotary Effect" DSP function on the keyboard associated with all organ sounds that allows you to set the speed of rotation. Cool -- something new to play with!
Jul 15, 2012
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Hi petes, thanks for the advice.

I had in fact downloaded the PX330 manual under the impression that the PX330 and PX3 where more similar, but I now see that the PX3 is much more versatile, in exchange for the speakers and rhythms. Given that the PX3 is cheaper, I could invest the difference in a set of portable speakers for the rare occasions in which I will need them.

It seems that the choice between PX3 and SP47 is a matter of size and weighted action. Both seem to be quite capable MIDI controllers with decent sounds. In the end I think I'll go with the PX3 since I have classical training and feel more at home with weighted keys.

Thanks again for the detailed response.

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