The video you posted is the procedure for saving/loading SONG files. It will not work for loading
or saving TONES or RHYTHMS, because he puts the keyboard into SONG SEQUENCER
mode instead of leaving it in TONE or RHYTHM mode, but he does stress that if the keyboard
is in CARD mode, then you need to press the CARD button to take it out of CARD mode. You
need to understand that pressing the CARD button by itself toggles the keyboard in or out
of CARD mode with each press, while pressing the CARD button while holding the FUNCTION
button down puts the keyboard into SAVE/LOAD mode, and pressing the EXIT button takes it
out of SAVE/LOAD mode and puts it back into regular play mode, but the keyboard must be
OUT of CARD mode before you can use the FUNCTION button to put it into SAVE/LOAD mode.
Start with the keyboard powered OFF.
Power the keyboard ON.
If you want to save/load TONE files, press the USER TONE button,
AND use the UP/DOWN ARROW buttons to ensure that [[TONE]]
is selected with the heavy brackets on the display. These two items
need to match.
- - - OR - - -
If you want to save/load RHYTHM files, press the USER RHYTHM button,
AND use the UP/DOWN ARROW buttons to ensure that [[RHYTHM]]
is selected with the heavy brackets on the display. These two items
need to match.
You must do one or the other of the above two steps, or the following step will not work,
as the keyboard will only save/load User Files. It will not allow you to go into SAVE/LOAD
mode if a pre-set TONE category or a pre-set RHYTHM category is selected.
Press AND HOLD the FUNCTION button as you MOMENTARILY press the CARD button.
If the display shows any .MID files, then the keyboard went into CARD mode instead of
SAVE/LOAD mode, and you will need to press EXIT and repeat this step. My CTK-6000
and my WK-7500 do this correctly - first time - every time, but my CTK-7000 typically
requires 3 or 4 attempts to get it correct. There seems to be something amiss with its
FUNCTION button, and it keeps coming up in CARD mode, instead of SAVE/LOAD mode.
When the keyboard is in SAVE/LOAD mode, the display will show any .TN7 (TONE),
or .AC7 (RHYTHM) files, etc, that you may already have on the card, depending upon
what type of file you have set the keyboard up to SAVE/LOAD.
I think this should get you past the point where you are having a problem. You should
be able to follow the manual for the rest of the steps for selecting the files to load or
save, and selecting where they go, and naming them on a save operation.
If you have not already done so, I highly recommend downloading the Casio Data
Manager 6.1 software from the Casio website, and installing it on your computer,
and using it for the above operations. You connect the keyboard to the computer
with a standard USB cable. You then unplug the card from the keyboard and
plug it into the computer, and use the Data Manager software to extract copies of
your files from the keyboard's User Memory and place them into the MUSICDAT
folder on the card, or for moving copies of files from the card to the keyboard's
User Memory. You then unplug the card from the computer and plug it back
into the keyboard's card slot. It would have been better if the software would allow
these operations with the card left in the keyboard, but it will only recognize the card
when it is in the computer, not the keyboard. It works very similar to the Windows/MAC-OS drag
and drop file manager operations. The Data Manager software's display will show about
15 lines at a time of files in the keyboard's User Memory, files in the MUSICDAT folder
on the card, and even copies of those files that you may have on your computer's
hard drive. You will find that this is infinitely more convenient and less time consuming
than doing it on the keyboard with the constrained "button/menu" process. I only do
this on the keyboard, even if it is just for one or two files, if I am away from the studio
and do not have access to a computer.
You can download a free copy of Data Manager 6.1 from here:
You must use Data Manager 6.1. If you come across a copy of Data Manager 5.0,
it is for other models, and will not work with the CTK/WK-6XXX/7XXX models.
Good luck !