Bonjour je cherche a changer mon Korg EK 50 qui ne permt pas de gerer le choix a l unite de styles externes par un clavier arrangeur avec possibilte d avoir un banque interne ou externe de grande capacite de style de mon choix N etant pas encore trop au courant dans ce domaine ,je me permet de vous posez la question
Bonne soiree
Hello, I am looking to change my Korg EK 50 which does not allow me to manage the choice of external styles by an arranger keyboard with the possibility of having an internal or external bank of high capacity in the style of my choice. I am not yet too aware. in this area, I allow myself to ask you the question Good evening
Bonne soiree
Hello, I am looking to change my Korg EK 50 which does not allow me to manage the choice of external styles by an arranger keyboard with the possibility of having an internal or external bank of high capacity in the style of my choice. I am not yet too aware. in this area, I allow myself to ask you the question Good evening