Roland Fantom 6 - MIDI Transmit Channel

Oct 8, 2023
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I use Mainstage 3 & a Laptop for the sounds of my keyboards.

I am travelling for a concert & the venue can get me a Roland Fantom 6, along with another keyboard that I have used before and works with my system. I've never used a Fantom 6 before, and I've reviewed the owners manual, but I cannot find out how to select a MIDI Transmit Channel. I need to select MIDI Transmit channel to 1 for the bottom keyboard & MIDI Transmit channel to 2 for the top keyboard. (I use two keyboards in my rig).

I notice in the manual that they refer to "Zones" in the manual. Would these "Zones" be just another name for MIDI Channel? If so, how would I know which "Zone" would be MIDI Transmit channel # 1 or # 2?

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.




I meant to play that note!
Jun 6, 2014
Reaction score
I have no familiarity with the Fantom, so the following is based on what I see in the manuals.

You can set each zone's MIDI channel and choose whether the zone will use the keyboard's internal sounds and/or be used to control an external MIDI device. You can also mute zones.

So I think you should be able to do what you want.

I recommend downloading the PDF versions of the Owner's Manual, Reference Manual, Parameter Guide, and MIDI Implementation so you can search for occurrences of "MIDI" to help you find the specific pages that refer to whatever specific MIDI questions you may have.
Jun 25, 2010
Reaction score
I notice in the manual that they refer to "Zones" in the manual. Would these "Zones" be just another name for MIDI Channel?
On the Fantom, you are always playing a "Scene." A scene has up to 16 zones. For your purposes, you will only use one zone, with a key assignment that covers all keys.

Each zone can be set for an INTernal or EXTernal sound. When set for an EXTernal sound, each zone can transmit on whatever channel you want.

It is extremely easy to do. However, it is not easy to figure out how to do it from the manual (and impossible without it).

The key thing to know is: To change a zone from Internal (which is the default) to External, you need to hold the Shift button while pressing the numbered button above the slider (the first slider being the one associated with zone 1).

If you simply power up the board, hold the "Shift" button and tap the "1" button, and then press the "Zone View" button, you will be at a screen that includes a "Ch" field displaying the current MIDI channel. Tap on that field and use the data entry wheel (or INC/DEC buttons) to change it to whatever channel you want.
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