Summary: The FC1 pedal I have assigned to operate the rotor on/off only works when the correct zone is selected.
I upgraded to the RD2000 from the RD800, I pre-ordered it the day after it was announced at Namm. I imported the live setups into the new keyboard with no issues. I have three Roland DP-10 pedals hooked up. They are assigned in my live set programs as - 1) damper, 2) rotor on/off (FC1) and 3) patch up (FC2).
In my programmed set, the patch up pedal works every time and it doesn't matter which zone (little square buttons 1 to 8 at top middle left) is being controlled . Damper, no issues. The FC1 slot which I use for rotor will only work if the correct zone is selected. If have B3 in zone 2, and zone 1 (normally piano) is being controlled (little square light!) no rotor will happen. I have to press the little square for zone 2 and then the pedal will properly control the rotor.
For my set tomorrow luckily I have only three piano + B3 (tonewheel organ) splits to deal with. I've programmed those splits to have B3 in zone 1, and use the older piano patches for zone 2 (the new Vpiano S patches will only work in zone 1).
If I have all my B3 sounds in zone 2 I could activate zone 2 leave it for the entire set. However, if I have to use the cursor to scroll between live sets (now called programs) I have to reset the screen cursor to the patch #, which resets the position to zone 1.
It took me an hour to figure out what was happening. It's an issue that can be easily fixed with a software update. Anyone else come across this or have an easy fix?
I upgraded to the RD2000 from the RD800, I pre-ordered it the day after it was announced at Namm. I imported the live setups into the new keyboard with no issues. I have three Roland DP-10 pedals hooked up. They are assigned in my live set programs as - 1) damper, 2) rotor on/off (FC1) and 3) patch up (FC2).
In my programmed set, the patch up pedal works every time and it doesn't matter which zone (little square buttons 1 to 8 at top middle left) is being controlled . Damper, no issues. The FC1 slot which I use for rotor will only work if the correct zone is selected. If have B3 in zone 2, and zone 1 (normally piano) is being controlled (little square light!) no rotor will happen. I have to press the little square for zone 2 and then the pedal will properly control the rotor.
For my set tomorrow luckily I have only three piano + B3 (tonewheel organ) splits to deal with. I've programmed those splits to have B3 in zone 1, and use the older piano patches for zone 2 (the new Vpiano S patches will only work in zone 1).
If I have all my B3 sounds in zone 2 I could activate zone 2 leave it for the entire set. However, if I have to use the cursor to scroll between live sets (now called programs) I have to reset the screen cursor to the patch #, which resets the position to zone 1.
It took me an hour to figure out what was happening. It's an issue that can be easily fixed with a software update. Anyone else come across this or have an easy fix?