Being VAIRY in-ept on thu net, I be looking for instruction/advise on whair to obtain info' about thu Yamaha voice bank uv a PSS795, so that I can iether PURCHASE a spesific original voice OR acurately write and load its code for use on my other Yamaha keyboards. Iz thair any help available for such intent & purpose and if so, about how much will it cost me -OR- would it be les expensiv to repair thu recorder butons on my PSS795 and if so, , I require instruction on how to acomplish such repair az rezults in thu sequenser recorder butons again functioning az when they were NEW, 22 yrs. ago when purchased. A final question on this, iz thair anyone that could SAVE for me, thu VOICEZ frum a PSS795 for whutever prise, & post them to me ready to load into a Tyros3 or older Yamaha Keyboard? Also, becuz I HAV all thoze voisez that all uv which are advertized on thu box az being VST, virtual-sound-track, can anyone tel me insted, how to moov them over to a diferent Yamaha Keyboard for use thairon -OR- seeing az it wouldn't be dificult to be more expert in this than I, do yoo hav a more expeareensed perspectiv that would acomodate ALL my consernz thus, and with les uv thu bother that "MY" perspectiv may be evidensing les knowledje in? Althoh expert at compozing lyrics & myoozic, thu technical stuf I've never seemed to grasp unles speled-out kindergarten style and often repeated frum diferent perspectivz. I hope thu Melbourne "Y"-man hazn't lost interest in helping . . . Archie