Excerpt from our February 21st Yamaha keyboard concert at Tom Lee Music.
This time, Iny (our videographer) caught the entire song
;when I last performed this at our Christmas 2022 party, she missed the entire first verse before she got the camera ready; (apparently she didn't realize the memory on the card was nearly full and had to swap in a new card, which she fortunately always carries a spare). So entire song recorded, great! Alas this time using just the camera's built in mic (so not the best sound quality), D'oh!
Too bad the OS update that switched the faders from catch to jump wasn't released until March!

As you can see me *miss* the catch faders and have to redo the "Go on go on Go on" fade out (the original point was the have the chord fade out while the vocals continued. Alas)
Incidentally, anyone who's been following along may remember I lost my voice for all of 2024; my previous upload Lose Control, my voice felt about 45%; for this one it felt 85-90%! (it literally varies from moment to moment, there's no real way to 'schedule' a recording at 90%, so I just roll with it)