Unusual Chord Finder Request

Jan 10, 2012
Reaction score
North Wales
Hey all,

I'm currently in work so don't have a keyboard handy and I'm trying to find the chords to a piece of music. It's unusual in the sense that it's not a song as such, but an orchestral piece. It's quite simple, no "melody" or "counterpoint" to speak of, just very big full orch chords. I've got a feeling it's a 16 chord sequence or 8 chord sequence with very slight changes.

It takes a while to get going but if anyone could give me a rough idea whats going on I'd really appreciate it.

Jun 28, 2012
Reaction score
Hi to yoo Ootini - Harmoniously & intricately blended over-lay melodies are intrigueingly atractiv to thu more seareus musicianz. I've not taken thu time to listen to yor sample, but sujest that to figure it out, yoo simply get a mental-fix on any one uv thu melody tracks combined thairin, & make a mental record uv it, while then listening to thu secund, , and when yoo've both uv thoze fixed in yor memory, play it a third time to note whair whutever bits & peesez uv a Main Vaireation -OR- a third melody track are discreetly and subtly introdoosed. "IF" per chans yoo've inherited NIETHER absoloot NOR relativ "PITCH", , "THEN" yoo're stuck for inscribing in each instans, insted uv memorizing, but regardles, if yoo listen carefuly, yoo'll note that in most casez, thair'z a vairy limited "sequencial combination uv notes that's merely musically DITHERED a litle in vaireus plasez throoghout thu length uv thu song, and when yoo isolate in yor mind, WHUT each uv thoze amounts to, yoo'll be able to RE-asemble it in yor OWN way. (e-mail address removed)

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