Whats out there for keyboard shells/facades/desks for live use? Anyone ever made their own?

Mar 29, 2022
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I’m looking to get a keyboard shell or facade sort of thing for my Nord (Electro 6D 61 key) for live use. I want something with a front face to it so it looks cool when facing toward the crowd. I’ve found a few companies that do them (namely The Piano Shell Company and Circle Three. Gator makes more at home desks and don’t have a face) but they’re unfortunately way out of my budget. And all of those companies primarily are just a top shell unit with 4 legs and no face, or a giant upright shell. I’m probably looking for something in the 3-4 ft tall range.

I thought about trying to build one, but it might be a loftier project than I’m capable of. BUT might be my only option given that the cooler ones are a lot of money haha but just figured I’d reach out here incase there’s a different phrase or word for it that I should be searching or a company I’m overlooking. And to see what other people have done!

I’ve also thought about repurposing an old organ cabinet or something. But the front of them generally look boring, since they were meant to go up against a wall. Or they’re just ginormous haha

I’ve attached a picture of what I’ve seen out there that is kind of what I’m going for

Any help is much appreciated!


  • IMG_9039.png
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Sep 6, 2017
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Lancashire, UK.
You could use 1” square aluminium tube to make three Rectangular frames then fasten hinges to each of the smaller frames and fix these to each end of the larger frame.

Fittings are available to make the 90 degree corners.

Once finished cover the frame with your chosen fabric.

This will be far lighter to transport around than a timber cabinet.

Mar 29, 2022
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You could use 1” square aluminium tube to make three Rectangular frames then fasten hinges to each of the smaller frames and fix these to each end of the larger frame.

Fittings are available to make the 90 degree corners.

Once finished cover the frame with your chosen fabric.

This will be far lighter to transport around than a timber cabinet.

View attachment 3453
Hmmm interesting. I’d honestly prefer a wood style enclosure. But I’ll keep this in mind! Thanks much!!

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