[Asio4all] + [midi that can handle channels] = [?]

Nov 14, 2010
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Hello everyone,

I would like to ask for your help since I can not find a program that can handle multiple midi channels corectly while supporting asio4all at the same time.

Here is what I am trying to do. I have synthesia (a game which shows the notes falling and you have to hit those exact notes, something like guitar hero) and the latency of my soundcaard is too bad to be able to play like that. So I figured I could use some VSTi host that supports asio4all to make the sound.

So now I have the following setup:

Keyborad ---> Synthesia ---> Virtual Midi ---> VSTi host

The thing is that Synthesia has a metronome which is a really good thing to have while playing but none of the VSTi hosts can handle it corectly. FL studio plays it whith the active VSTi (eg the piano), and that is just terrible since it is like a wrong note being played every single beat.

I know fore sure that the beat is transfered through another channel than the one the music is being played on and I am sure that the Virtual Midi does not mess whith the channels either. The only problem seems to be the VSTi host.

So that is my main question. Is there a VSTi host (or something that at least plays through Asio4all) that can map a channel to an instrument?

Thanks a million in advance!
Nov 14, 2010
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Hello there!

After some more experimenting I found out that Cubase (5) can deal with this kind of situation for sure by using the input transformer on each of the instruments we have. That way we filter the channels we want that instrument not to respond to.
Jan 22, 2011
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I struggled with the same problem the past few days until I found this software:

The lite version is free and allows you to set the channel for each vst plugin.

I also suggest Digidrum Pro for the metronome. In the options for this vst, you can change the note value that triggers the drum sound.... so just set some to D#6 and G#4 and you're all set. And of course, change the midi in channel to 10.
Nov 14, 2010
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Thanks for the help. Your solution is actually way better than mine in many ways.

First of all it is really easy to select the channel on which each VSTi responds. Another thing is that Cantabile is much lighter than Cubase. And last, the free version covers my needs.

The only problem I had was that I could not find a way to asign multiple channels to one instrument. To overcome thi issue I had to create multiple instances of the same instrument. But, in any case, this is a small price to pay compared to the advantages.

So, thanks a lot for your help!

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