Computer Learning

Mar 1, 2020
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My husband wants to learn to play the keyboard so for his birthday I am going to buy him a keyboard.
It would be ideal if I could get a computer based program as well, then he could connect his keyboard to his computer and learn through the computer program
Is there anything like this available?
Sep 6, 2017
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Lancashire, UK.
Hello Pambie.

Before I delve into computer based learning a question or rather a statement or two.

The term keyboard cover a very wide range, there are arrangers, pianos, synthesisers, workstations and permutations of them all.

Learning to play a piano is one system, learning to play all others is another system.

Now assuming he will want to get playing something as quick as he can an Arranger is often the route many new players commence with.

Arrangers are Yamaha PSR E463, Korg EK 50, and Casio CT X 3000.

Alternatively a digital piano can be Yamaha P125, Casio S1000, Roland FP10 or Korg B2.

There are many other models available but the above are the ones that I suggest you consider.

One piece of software to look at is called Flowkey which is aimed at teaching Piano, it is a subscription based system and a three month free trial comes with certain keyboards like the Yamaha P125. Another online system is Scoove.

Also check out for a totally different way of learning to play a keyboard which is in a style more like you see and hear at a concert.

If you think about what I have written and watch video reviews of the keyboards it will give you an idea of what is available and it will give your Husband chance to narrow down how he wants to learn.

Finally do read my thread

Mar 1, 2020
Reaction score
Hello Pambie.

Before I delve into computer based learning a question or rather a statement or two.

The term keyboard cover a very wide range, there are arrangers, pianos, synthesisers, workstations and permutations of them all.

Learning to play a piano is one system, learning to play all others is another system.

Now assuming he will want to get playing something as quick as he can an Arranger is often the route many new players commence with.

Arrangers are Yamaha PSR E463, Korg EK 50, and Casio CT X 3000.

Alternatively a digital piano can be Yamaha P125, Casio S1000, Roland FP10 or Korg B2.

There are many other models available but the above are the ones that I suggest you consider.

One piece of software to look at is called Flowkey which is aimed at teaching Piano, it is a subscription based system and a three month free trial comes with certain keyboards like the Yamaha P125. Another online system is Scoove.

Also check out for a totally different way of learning to play a keyboard which is in a style more like you see and hear at a concert.

If you think about what I have written and watch video reviews of the keyboards it will give you an idea of what is available and it will give your Husband chance to narrow down how he wants to learn.

Finally do read my thread

Thank you so much. I'll have to spend a while looking through your reply. So much to learn.


Love Music / Love Life
Nov 18, 2015
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Melbourne Australia
My husband wants to learn to play the keyboard so for his birthday I am going to buy him a keyboard.
I think buying a keyboard for someone else is unwise. Keyboard playing is complex and there are numerous variables to suit all kinds of personalities and genre preference.
You need to discuss preferences and desires with husband before taking the financial plunge into a bad choice. If in doubt why not give him a voucher for his own choosing.
By all means read the excellent thread posted by @Biggles which explains the varibles. This you can discuss with hubby too. But at the end of the day the keyboard type should be his personal choice. If you want him to play his style and enjoy it, give him the voucher or go shopping together.
Good luck.
Sep 6, 2017
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Lancashire, UK.
I have had a further thought.

In addition to the responses you have had there are keyboards that have a piano keybed action and also include auto-accompaniment features.

The downside is that they are a little more expensive.

So to add to your list to for your Husband and yourself to checkout then please consider these are full 88 key keyboard:-

Casio PX-S 3000

Korg EX 20

Yamaha DGX660

Note that you will probably read about graded hammer action keybeds which are pretty well standard in hammer action keyboards, that is keys are heavier at left of keybed progressively getting lighter as you move to the far right. This is more like a true acoustic piano.

Plus a possible wildcard is the 76 key Yamaha EW 410 whose keybed action is not fully like a piano but it does have adjustable responses.

If you can visit a Music Store it would be very useful but do go with the mindset that you are on a checkout visit with no intention to buy there and then. Why do I advise this? You may well find that purchasing in store has a completely different terms and condition of sales than it does with online sales. I will only buy online after thoroughly testing in store.
Nov 19, 2018
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I would suggest starting with a piano teacher if possible for a few lesson to get the basics on hand position and fingering fundamentals from someone who and show and correct the student. After that then computer learning or take online lesson via Skype will work. That's the way I started and starting with one-on-one really helped get me going before switching to online Skype lessons.

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