Learnings: PLaying with Styles, Dual ,and Harmony... and issues

Oct 13, 2020
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I'm experimenting to deterine which style I want to use with the song I'm learning. I have decided on that. It has involved a lot of testing of styles, recording some to just play back etc.

One learning: Sometimes some of the Harmonies or Dual instruments may have just a place or two in the song where they just don't sound ...right...off key maybe. I'm not sure if this is ia learning or a problem. I had the voice set to Ambient Grand, Dual set to Sweet Violin, and Style set to Ibiza. Harmony set to number 10.

Of course you MUST use a stlye for the Dual and Harmony to even kick in. I've found that frustrating in the past. So with the settings listed, the BASS clef plays what seems to be a quiqet string...I'm presuming maybe violin...I don't know. I ended up recording strings for the bass on a different track. Sounded much better. But then, I wasn't getting much piano.

Naturally, it all takes experimenting with the various volumes, Main, Dual, Style each have their own volume.

With those learnings behind me, I am finding a couple issues that I'm not sure how to resolve, just a couple things. I'm curious if anyone else is experiencing this:

  • One I'm finding quite a bit is occasionally a given note, or chord, will not play correctly (again, maybe off key), ie doesn't sound like it is using the appropriate voice.
    • On the chord, I'm thinking it likely that I'm not striking all 3 of the notes occasionally, throwing things way off
    • When it's an individual note, I'm not sure what to think
  • The other is that all of a sudden, after a little over 2 hourse practicing/testing, the style will just stop. Plays piano only like the style is not on.
    • I have played with styles quite a bit over 2 years, and never had this happen until today. And only after a couple hours at the keyboard.
      • When I run into this type of strange thing in the past, I have ended up calling Yamaha support, and ultimately its "You need to have the keyboard worked on". Turns out that's never been the case. Not sure about this one. I'm wondering if something is overheating.
Any thoughts or suggestions?
Nov 18, 2021
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Michigan, US
I have a Yamaha keyboard but I have never had issues like that so I am afraid I can't help you. Why do you think it's never the case that your Yamaha needs to be worked on? Have you had it looked at?
Oct 13, 2020
Reaction score
I say never the case simply for the fact that the couple times I was told that, I figured out the problem.

That being said, I can't remember now what the couple times that happened were about.

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