Roland AX Edge Keytar questions

Dec 21, 2017
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Hi! I'm mostly a Korg man but for the past 16 hours I've been the proud owner of the Ax Edge keytar, and I have questions already.

Full disclosure: I am NOT used to the way Roland is set up- I had a Roland synth before and while it was great for live performance it was totally counter-intuitive to try and program sounds or sequence on it. So I'm taking a pretty big risk with the Ax Edge because I plan to use it as a main keyboard for whole gigs, not just whip it out for solos. I know it can do everything I need it to, I just don't know how to do the things I need to do to get it up to speed.

First Question- How do I get the Rotary Organ effect to stay on without holding the expression bar?

Related Question- how do I add the Rotary effect to an existing sound? I've gotten into the menus on the Keytar itself (not the app yet) and I can find the FX settings, but it doesn't seem to do anything when I change a parameter.

Any help is appreciated. Thanks.
Dec 21, 2017
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Unfortunately, it's a brick without the app, and of course the app won't connect to it. (See my other post for more details)


Destroyer of Eardrums!!!
May 30, 2012
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GTA, Canada
I presume the app won't run under Windows 10?

Have you tried installing it in compatibility mode?

ie. Right click on the install and choose Comp[atiblity Mode then Choose Which Version of Windows it wants to run under?

Gary ;)
Dec 21, 2017
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The app is only for Android. And it's not nearly the "brick" I thought it would be without the app.

Just using the buttons and LCD screen on the Keytar itself, I figured out how to add the Rotary effect, and also how to keep it on without holding the bar (figure out the parameted the bar is controlling and assign it to a button)

To be fair (now that I've calmed down) this thing is astoundingly programmable even without the app.

If I get passionate about it (ie grumpy/angry) it's because I don't view the AX Edge as a toy or a novelty- this is an impressive piece of tech and a serious musical instrument. I don't just love it for its good looks: Roland put a really powerful synth engine in this beast, and I see the potential for this thing to become my main keyboard for live gigs.
Dec 21, 2017
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More questions-

I managed to get it to play an mp3 off a USB drive- is there any way to adjust the volume of the file that's being played back? All I can find in the manual is how to play a file, not how to adjust it.

Is there a way to adjust the pitch bend Up and Down to different amounts? This would help with my style of soloing (I usually only bend up a whole step, but down an octave or two)

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