Can I use a yamaha keyboard as a tone generator for my midi keyboard?


May 6, 2017
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I have the first generation, I was experimenting today without looking at the manual, partially because I can't find the first generation manual, and I couldn't get to using zones TOGETHER.
I actually managed to assign different voices to different zones, but I just can't get them to work together and cover the whole keyboard, and also layering sounds I can't do because of this.



I meant to play that note!
Jun 6, 2014
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The first generation User Guide is available at M-Audio's web site, but on the page where you search for manuals and other documents you must choose "Legacy" or whatever in the first dropdown box, and then when you choose "Axiom 61" in the second or third dropdown box the results will be for the first generation models.

I'll be playing around-- ahem, I mean to say "working productively"-- with my Axiom 61-II after dinner, and will post afterward. As for choosing two or more zones at once, you have to press two or more zone buttons at the same time-- for example, "1" and "3"-- at least that's what the second generation User Guide says.

Edit: Like so...

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May 6, 2017
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Hello how can I make a functions, preferably a knob or slider, monotone or even portmento levels.
Also, the keys' aftertouch, how can I make them do vibrato?
the mod wheel already does vibrato, and I want to have both as vibrato.
Also, I cant change the velocity sensitivity of the drum pads, because I haven't changed them in really long and making it from 'F3' (what it was for really long), to 'c4' so its actually sensitive.
Also, how do I use an expression pedal?
Also, what does 'ExtClock' do?
Also, I don't think it's possible, but can I have an artificial decay for voices that's adjustable.
Also, are the knobs supposed to do anything?
Also, how I programme knobs?
Also, how can I change the pitch bend wheel range? (0-2, 0-12?)

Really wanting about monotone, portamento, velocity of pads, exp pedal, decay, pitch bend.



I meant to play that note!
Jun 6, 2014
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Unfortunately, the YPT-220 isn't able to use Mono mode or Portamento. The only way to create a sliding effect from one note to another is to use Pitch Bend.


I meant to play that note!
Jun 6, 2014
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Yes, you can use the Axiom's pitch bend wheel to bend the notes on the YPT-220. Do you already have the two keyboards successfully connected via a MIDI cable? I think the pitch bending should work without you having to program anything on the Axiom. But you can program the Axiom's controls for modifying the pitch bend range-- it's one of the RPN messages.


May 6, 2017
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I have fully managed to get them working together.
Now its just a matter of programming the axiom, because I don't know how to, well for example, increase pitch bend wheel range and get monotone.

Thanks for help!


I meant to play that note!
Jun 6, 2014
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Just to let you know, I haven't forgotten about you, but got sidelined by my personal life for a while. I'm writing up some notes now, and expect to be posting them tonight or tomorrow.


May 6, 2017
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Thanks! I was also trying to figure out stuff with the axiom, specifically the aftertouch!


May 6, 2017
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Any big problems? as in functions that cant be used on Axiom?


I meant to play that note!
Jun 6, 2014
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I apologize, but I didn't get my notes finished last weekend. I'm working on them again right now.

I do have a couple of questions, though. Do you have access to a computer? If so, what operating system does it use? Or are you limited to using a smart phone?

The main reason I ask is because M-Audio had a computer program named Enigma for Windows and Mac that could be used to create or edit control setup files for the Axiom, as well as transfer the setup files between the computer and the keyboard. Enigma was discontinued, but is still available for download if you know the links.

Also, if you're limited to using a smart phone, I imagine that makes it more difficult to use the PDF manuals for the Axiom 61 and the YPT-220, due to the size of the screen. If you don't have a computer yourself, see if you can use one (at a library, school, etc.) to print out the PDF manuals.


May 6, 2017
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I apologize, but I didn't get my notes finished last weekend. I'm working on them again right now.

I do have a couple of questions, though. Do you have access to a computer? If so, what operating system does it use? Or are you limited to using a smart phone?

The main reason I ask is because M-Audio had a computer program named Enigma for Windows and Mac that could be used to create or edit control setup files for the Axiom, as well as transfer the setup files between the computer and the keyboard. Enigma was discontinued, but is still available for download if you know the links.

Also, if you're limited to using a smart phone, I imagine that makes it more difficult to use the PDF manuals for the Axiom 61 and the YPT-220, due to the size of the screen. If you don't have a computer yourself, see if you can use one (at a library, school, etc.) to print out the PDF manuals.

I have a computer, I also have Enigma software already, but on Enigma, I have tried using it before, and didn;t know how to use it. I used to use the computer with the Axiom with FL studio, but it was really hard to get things together for the setup. I have Everything in order when it comes to midi connections.

I actually never knew I could transfer files TO the axiom, but I don't know how to use it.

Thanks 4 reply!!!!


May 6, 2017
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I have a computer, I also have Enigma software already, but on Enigma, I have tried using it before, and didn;t know how to use it. I used to use the computer with the Axiom with FL studio, but it was really hard to get things together for the setup. I have Everything in order when it comes to midi connections.

I actually never knew I could transfer files TO the axiom, but I don't know how to use it.

Thanks 4 reply!!!!

Forgot to say, Windows 10


I meant to play that note!
Jun 6, 2014
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Okay, same as me! I'm not up to snuff on Enigma yet, but I'll see if I can include it in my notes.


May 6, 2017
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I think i'll just add this in: I was working with enigma earlier, watched a tutorial, followed the steps and so on, but the changes weren't being recognized on the YTP, and just to check, they weren't recognised on the computer either, so basically I can't seem to make anything from it.


I meant to play that note!
Jun 6, 2014
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One thing that might be tricky about programming certain controls on the Axiom-- e.g., the aftertouch strip-- is that each control has an ID, but the ID isn't necessarily printed on the Axiom's casing. For instance, the bottom left rotary encoder is labeled "B1," which is its ID, but the assignable buttons below the faders or sliders don't have their IDs printed under them. And what about the expression pedal, sustain pedal, and aftertouch strip?

The control's ID starts with a letter, which indicates which of the four control groups the control belongs to-- A, B, C, or D. The letter is followed by a number, which is the number you use to select the control if you're using the CTRL SELECT method of choosing a control to program. I believe the control IDs for the various controls are as follows:

    • 8 rotary encoders ...... B1 - B8
    • 9 sliders .............. D9 - D17
    • Pitch Bend wheel ....... A18
    • Modulation wheel ....... A19
    • Aftertouch strip ....... A20 (?)
    • Expression pedal ....... A21 (?)
    • Sustain pedal .......... A22 (?)
    • 8 pressure pads ........ C23 - C30
    • 6 transport buttons .... B31 - B36
    • 9 assignable buttons ... D37 - D45
I'm not certain about the IDs of the aftertouch strip, expression pedal, and sustain pedal, but they're in Group A, the Enigma software lists them in the order shown above, and it lists the other controls in control number order, so I think the above is correct.

So to select the aftertouch strip for programming, you would press CTRL SELECT (i.e., CHAN ASSIGN and CTRL ASSIGN together), then enter 20 on the numeric keypad. After than you can use CTRL ASSIGN to assign one of the CC numbers to the aftertouch strip-- e.g., CC# 1 for modulation. Keep in mind that this will program the aftertouch strip for all zones which are currently active, so if you want aftertouch to control different things in the different zones, you'll need to activate each zone one at a time so you can program the aftertouch strip for each individual zone.

As for Enigma, changing a setting in Enigma won't do anything until you save the change in a settings file, transfer the settings file to the Axiom, make sure the pertinent control group is active on the Axiom, then recall the patch in question. You may also need to use the control-- e.g., you might need to press a button so it will send the message that it's programmed to send when it's pressed.

Did you ever figure out how to select multiple zones at once? Whenever you press one of the zone buttons, it activates that zone and deactivates the other zones. But you can activate multiple zones at once by pressing their zone buttons at the same time.

Note that the voices you select from the Axiom will be used when you play on the Axiom's keyboard, but the voice used when you play on the YPT's keyboard will (normally) be whichever voice you've selected on the YPT itself. For instance, you could play an organ voice (which traditionally doesn't need a velocity-sensitive keyboard) on the YPT itself, and simultaneously play a piano voice from the Axiom.

Do you have a copy of the MIDI Implementation Chart for the YPT-220? That will show you which types of MIDI messages the YPT-220 will respond to. It isn't included in the Owner's Manual; instead, it's found in the Data List manual, which you can download from Yamaha's web site.

The MIDI Implementation Chart can be a little tricky to interpret. For instance, it almost seems to show that Note Off messages can't be used, but in fact they can be. What the chart actually shows is that the velocity values of Note Off messages will be ignored. The YPT does use Note On events with velocities of 0 to turn off the notes-- which is a common practice, since it allows consecutive Note events to be shortened a little bit using "running status"-- but it also responds to actual Note Off events; it just doesn't respond to Note Off events in different ways depending on their velocities, as is possible on some instruments.

The MIDI Implementation Chart also appears to show that the YPT-220 responds to channel mode change events-- i.e., Omni On, Omni Off, Poly On (Mono Off), and Mono On (Poly Off). However, it indicates up near the top of the chart that mode 3 is used, and that the mode cannot be changed. Near the bottom of the chart, where it shows the YPT-220's response to the four mode change events, it actually shows that these events will be treated the same as All Notes Off and All Sound Off events-- i.e., they won't be completely ignored, because they will turn off all notes and sound (as is normal with these events), but won't affect the keyboard's mode.
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