get the chords to keep playing when i let go of the chord

Fred Coulter

Collector of ancient keyboards
Feb 15, 2016
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Central Florida
I should clarify - page 53 of the PDF, which is page 47 of the manual.

You've just hit my pet peeve. (OK, one of them.) It isn't difficult to change the electronic page number of a PDF file to match the physical page number. Yet why can't people do so.

When I produce documents (my day job involves me creating documents for a local government), I always match the page numbers. That way, when an elected official says "why is there $354,000 on page 34", the staff members and other elected officials can just go to that page.

End rant.
Feb 29, 2016
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Ontario Canada
When I bought my KB the chords were dropping out just like yours annon125. I thought I had a fault with it. My KB was second hand. It took me a few days to work out the poroblem. The previous owner had programmed it that way. I also had weird arrangements programmed in the memory registration. All of this frustrated me for a few days. In the end I did a factory preset and that fixed everything. Try that.
Thank you anon125 for starting this thread. Thanks also to Rayblewit for the info about factory reset. I recently bought a preloved Yamaha YPT-320 that was behaving peculiar to my intelligence and to my beginner status. I found the reset item you referred to under "Initialization" in my manual. Hold extreme right white key and turn on power. Whoopee. Thanks again everyone. Jim.


Love Music / Love Life
Nov 18, 2015
Reaction score
Melbourne Australia
Hi Jim
I am a lot like you . . So much to learn. I have just started using the registration memory banks. Wonderful! 8 banks of 8 tracks = 64 preset favourite songs all ready queued. Problem is how do you remember which bank and track has which song. Lol!
Mar 15, 2016
Reaction score
I didnt bother reading all of the above, so I take it you have your answer by now!
just wanted to say that I did a couple different things on my Korg M50.
I didnt have a sustain pedal but I had a pad and a lead sound mixed into one combi. So I assigned the Pad+Impact to an arpeggio AMS that did not fluctuate ( an "arp pattern" that did not arpeggiate) and then set the arp pattern to "hold" so that when I hit the key.. it would just a sustain pedal XD! Then when I did acquire a sustain pedal, I added it into that equation and after correcting and assigning the channels, I simply had the sustain pedal for the lead on the right hand and the pad+impact with the "Hold" option in the Arp settings sustain that pad ( with an added heart beat if I can remember.. that was arp pattern B too! )

I think editing the Release and sustain inside the filter settings on some sounds ( or maybe all sounds..?) will carry the sound over as you progress in playing. and by assigning sustain and release to knobs if you have them, makes that much more flexible and fun ( of course) ! :D

I'm new to the forums and Im not much of a keyboardist or a pianist.. more of a drummer. But I thought I could try my hand at the whole "posting" thing.


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