Damn this got back to the electronics i did at school very long ago, i went two years but i've forgotten everything haha.
I do kinda understand the image though and see what you did there. But i do not have any of the items listed.
I however stumbled across something.
I had a look at the wiring on the display.
The red. White. Blue. Brown. Grey. Cable goes up to the display. The same cables also goes down to the board inside.
However the yellow cable goes straight down to the board.
The yellow wire would be pin5
And the red pin4.
If the display needed 5v to power up, wouldnt i then run 5v through both pins?
Sorry i got lost in electronics.
But how its connected now, using usb, the usb give 5v at the yellow cable. And 1.6v at the red (pin4) which goes to the display.
I dont know how lost i am now but i started woundering if the pins on the female here could have been reversed?
The wires from display also goes down to the board and through the midi out.
I wounder if its reversed, if its really the yellow cable thats supposed to power the thing? Cause the red cable is the only cable going to the display from the actual midi input, but the usb wiring (as intended on other instruments) doesnt seem to carry more than 1.5v.
I dont know if the pinout i found on google is right but it seems 5 is data. 2 is shield and 4 is voltage.
If thats the case then its reversed.
I got some pictures.