How do you rate Casio keyboards?

Dec 19, 2009
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My $0.02

The bottom line is it depends on what you're looking for.

I myself just picked up a Casio PX-130, and I actively chose this over any of the Yamaha or Korg options. Why?

Well for starters, all I wanted was a piano. This means I cared about three things:
1. Quality of the feel of the keyboard. I've been playing for almost 25 years, so this was huge.
2. Quality of the piano samples
3. Polyphony

In all three cases the Casio came up at worst a tie, and in the case of the polyphony it was a clear winner. Even the low end P-130 had multi-layer piano samples and 128 note ployphony. I would have needed to go all the way up to either the new CP-300 or the P-250 from Yamaha to get this same feature set (with built in speakers), and it would have cost me 3X the money. Yes, I'd have gotten a bunch of other stuff, but the bottom line is that these other things aren't worth any thing to me in my situation. For instance, the Yamaha is certainly built like a tank, but I'm not touring so what do I care? Your mileage may vary.

Try 'em out an get what you need/like and fits your budget. If the media and general opinion were always right, we'd all have to drive a honda, drink Starbucks coffee, and honestly believe that Brad Pitt is talented :)
Jan 29, 2010
Reaction score
Hello Friend,
You'd be able to push most dealers below the best Allans price available on all three models. I used to sell pianos, and in my opinion the sound reproduction of the Casio is nowhere near as good as either the Kawai or the Yamaha.

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