You know, I have not the slightest desire to change my Windows Notebook and Windows Tablet until the end of my life. I also have no even the slightest desire to update Windows. To say more - I like Windows 10 V.1809, where I deleted everything related to Defender, and I do not use any antivirus software. I think this is a big deception - the use of any antivirus software. And V.1809 gives me the opportunity to install drivers for my old devices. And it works very stable - that is the main thing for me!
Hi! We are living nearly in 2025! Do you remember the strength of computers 30 years ago? The Yamaha DX-7 was fantastic synth!! And now - the full Yamaha DX-7 emulator from Arturia is only 150MB! And absolutely software copy of Yamaha Montage M-88 is 7 Gb!! As you can understand it is not a problem for computers in 2025!
Software synths have the great possibility! They can make sounds not worse than the real synths and sometimes - better. From the Auto-arranger software (I like GigLad - to the great Samplers (now the Nexus 5 is not only the Rompler, but also the Sampler!!) - I can have any synth at my home and more - easy take them with me using Windows Tablet. I also have the small music devices I mentioned to have fun in the garden and to press buttons, but not touch-screen 
By the way! I also use several VST audio-tools. Mainly from the iZotope (I like them). I can also recommend the nice plugin for vocal - Manipulator
You can use MIDI keyboard and have nice back-vocal with one voice or chords. By fact you can sing the whole song on one note and play the melody on keyboard. Rather interesting vocoder! 
The Very Happy New 2025 for everybody!!! Kind Regards!
Hi! We are living nearly in 2025! Do you remember the strength of computers 30 years ago? The Yamaha DX-7 was fantastic synth!! And now - the full Yamaha DX-7 emulator from Arturia is only 150MB! And absolutely software copy of Yamaha Montage M-88 is 7 Gb!! As you can understand it is not a problem for computers in 2025!
By the way! I also use several VST audio-tools. Mainly from the iZotope (I like them). I can also recommend the nice plugin for vocal - Manipulator
The Very Happy New 2025 for everybody!!! Kind Regards!
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