Keyboard Stand


Apr 3, 2020
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So I finally bought K&M 18820 Omega Pro keyboard stand after my generic x-stand failed miserably on so many levels. Now I can finally stand when I play my keyboard. My previous one was only 96 cm high and therefore very painful for my back . The height of Omega Pro is adjusted 100% to my hand position and my keyboard stands still while playing. What a difference.

So I am wondering guys what is your favorite keyboard stand and if you prefer to stand or sit while playing - practicing.
Apr 4, 2012
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Due to back issues I sit; I can no longer stand and play. I still use an X-Stand; I read all the time about X-Stand failures but in 35 years of playing at shows (that's probably close to 2000 shows) plus 1000's of practices that I've attended I've never had any issues with mine. I recently had to tighten the center bolt (2nd time in 35 years) as I noticed it was loose. So although I've read about them I've never had a stand failure. I literally can have the X-Stand assembled in 10 seconds and when I use a 2nd tier total setup time is under 1 minute. Although I see the z stands and others (like yours) the last thing I need is more setup/breakdown time. Mine does the job and until I find something that is both quicker to setup/breakdown and more portable mine's not going anywhere.
Last edited:
Jun 27, 2014
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Adelaide, Australia
So I am wondering guys what is your favorite keyboard stand and if you prefer to stand or sit while playing - practicing.
I use either a K&M 18880 or an x stand depending on the gig/band. Like Dave I like the fact that both set up and pack down lightning fast. The 18880 is ridiculously light too.

I stand to play live and sit to play when I’m at home practicing.

The next time I’m in the market for a stand it’s likely I’ll buy the same as yours (18820), it ticks a lot of boxes for me.


Apr 3, 2020
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@delaware dave to be clear I have nothing against x stands. Unfortunately I bought the cheapest one possible which was also the shortest. When I was standing the holding gap was so small I was afraid my keyboard would tip over when playing. On the other hand when sitting the stand was in the way of my right leg due to my disability.

@CowboyNQ with 9.8 kg the 18820 is twice the weight of your 18880 and while you can disassemble this stand I think its not that practical for storage at home like the one you have now. On the other hand its modular, sturdy, tall and really excellent for transportation in the back of car.

@happyrat1 geeez....the mighty z stand. 180 kg load baring capacity! I wonder whats the weight of this stand? o_O

Anyone using or considering spider stands?
Sep 6, 2017
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Lancashire, UK.
Anyone using or considering spider stands?

Only K & M

I did look at a few spider stands in various Music Shops here in the UK, none were anything but flimsy, even with a lightweight keyboard the movement was considerable.

I ended up with a two tier Zee


Destroyer of Eardrums!!!
May 30, 2012
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GTA, Canada
The weight of the Onstage is in the specs. Just under 30 lbs.

One of mine is supporting two keyboards weighing in at a total of about 90 lbs. with nary a jiggle nor a wobble.

Gary ;)
Last edited:
Jun 27, 2014
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Adelaide, Australia
@CowboyNQ with 9.8 kg the 18820 is twice the weight of your 18880 and while you can disassemble this stand I think its not that practical for storage at home like the one you have now. On the other hand its modular, sturdy, tall and really excellent for transportation in the back of car.
I appreciate this info thank you.

None of it perturbs me though, my 18880 never comes home anyway so storage is not an issue. The 18820 packs down flat which is good enough for me.

The above being said I’m very happy with the 18880 and will keep using it until it dies.
Dec 30, 2019
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The weight of the Onstage is in the specs. Just under 30 lbs.

One of mine is supporting two keyboards weighing in at a total of about 90 lbs. with nary a jiggle nor a wobble.

Gary ;)
Hi Gary,
im not stalking but wondering if you can recommend music shops that sell decent keyboard stuff in eastern Canada. I’m from BC and there are only two big box stores that I’m less than happy with...great for my guitar hobby but not keys.

i need a new stand as I had a bit of an accident in the studio last week ......


Destroyer of Eardrums!!!
May 30, 2012
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GTA, Canada
By "Eastern" Canada I presume you mean Ontario and Quebec, not the Maritimes.

In Toronto's GTA, one of the best is Cosmo Music, who, also, btw, are a reseller on

They have a pretty large selection and usually ship backorders as quickly as possible.

A smaller store but ideal for keyboards and synths there's Moog Audio with stores in Montreal and Toronto. If you search the web you can often find a 5-15% Off Coupon Code for web orders.

Then there's the old timers Long & Mcquade which has competitive prices but sells all types of gear including band instruments.

There's one in Mississauga. They bought out Axe Music out in Edmonton where I used to shop regularly over a decade ago.

Also with stores in Toronto and Montreal there's Steve's Music , but they sell mostly guitars and drums.

And in Montreal another one that does mostly band instruments and acoustic pianos is Archambault.

And finally a really nice piano showroom, just a couple of miles from me, with literally dozens of Concert Grands and a few high end electronic keyboards Is the Merriam School of Music. Last time I was in there I remember trying out a Roland RD2000 and a Kawaii MP-11. I was afraid to tickle the ivories on some of the grands though. Very quiet, very clean, very posh. ;)

I have a few other links around the province but those should get you started. :)

Gary ;)


Destroyer of Eardrums!!!
May 30, 2012
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GTA, Canada
BTW, I bought my first Ostage Two Tier stand from Axe music in Edmonton well over a decade ago and I bought my second one from Amazon/Cosmo about 3 years ago.

Sometimes it's better to buy from Cosmo thru Amazon because of the shipping and terms granted thru Amazon's umbrella.

For instance, if it's a backorder item, Cosmo will charge your credit card up front, but thru Amazon they only charge when it ships.

Gary ;)
Dec 30, 2019
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thanks so much for the leads. Haha out west here “back east” means ON/QC generally.
I believe cosmos is uptown in Richmond Hill right? I would like to support local shops (Canadian) as much as I can before caving in to good ol Amazon. Hopefully your restrictions get better soon so I can make a trip over In spring and check out these shops.
Or if anyone here know other shops in GVRD other than the two big box stores I’d be appreciated too.

im looking for a not too expensive dual tier stand that can be portable and stable. I find most x stands dont work for tall players as it gets too unstable at correct heights.

Happy New Year!!


Destroyer of Eardrums!!!
May 30, 2012
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GTA, Canada
For us, "Out West" means anything West of and including Manitoba. "Out East" means New Brunswick and anything East of that.

Quebec considers itself, "Distinct."

And Ontario, IS, "The Center Of The Universe..." :D :D :D

If you don't want to go thru Amazon then there's no difference between Cosmo's prices and their listings on Amazon. But backorders can be a bitch sometimes.

Last year I bought a Hydrasynth from Moog Audio and they sat on my money for a full 7 months before the backorder came in.

They are really nice about cancellations if you decide not to wait it out sometimes and happily return the money and cancel the order upon request. Cosmo is the same way. Both good stores to deal with. :)

Happy New Year Back Atcha... (It can't POSSIBLY be worse than 2020 :p )

And I have purchased a couple of times from Tom Lee Music on the West Coast as well. Long time ago though.

BTW, the last stand I bought from Cosmo had a small manufacturer's defect. The nut welded to the second Tier had a weld that started to come loose. I contacted Onstage, they directed me to their distributor in Montreal and they ended up shipping me a second entire stand, new in the box, instead of the single defective foot long piece. :eek: I ended up selling off the original defective stand on Kijiji for about $100. The nut could easily have been rewelded in any auto garage and I made that clear to the buyer, so my second Onstage stand was practically free in the end. :D

Gary ;)

Gary ;)

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