Korg Krome EX vs. Nautilus

Apr 1, 2024
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Yes, I told them that I consider this action. Btw. have you seen the photo and video? Would you accept this as a new instrument?
I hear the clicking with those 2 keys. Is the clicking amplified when you use an amp or headphones? Either way the clicking is not good for a new instrument and you should be entitled to your money back, in my view. (At the volume I play at home I would probably be hearing that and would find it annoying.)
Jun 3, 2024
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Czech Republic
I don't hear any clicking in the video.

Often though, there's a break-in period on a new keybed that can take up to a month or two to detect or work itself out.

I'd say take it back and send it under warranty later on if the problem becomes serious enough.

Your first action should have been to collect on the vendor's guarantee but that usually vanishes after 30 days.

But now they'll probably leave all warranty work to the manufacturer after they've finished jerking you around.

As for clicking? Lots of electronic keyboards click most of the time. If you're playing with headphones all the time then yes it's just as annoying as any typewriter in the background.

In practice, however, if reasonable amplification doesn't mask it, then it's one gawd awful quality for a keyboard.
Oh yes, there is clicking when I push the 2 black keys (lower Fis and upper Dis). Other keys are perfectly silent. It is just mechanical clicking - not in audio outputs. But this is not how "virgin" instrument (at a full price) should be.
Aug 3, 2024
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You already nabbed one, but yes, the Nautilus is miles ahead of the Krome (and hardly an old design, it launched in 2021. And although it's a 'cut down' version of the Kronos, I *love* the new piano interface.)

As for clicking, I don't hear 'clicking' per se either, like happyrat. However, the black keys do make a gentle sound, vs no sound on the white keys, so of course you're wondering if that's normal. Across the industry, yeah. However, I only had an 88 on display (don't even have a display atm) so of course, every key *thumped* because it was an 88 weighted key board. So I can't say for sure on the semi weighted keys.

There *is* a gentle thump on our PA5x76 display, every key, and yes the black keys are *slightly* louder. But hardly worrying. Basically, if you're playing through speakers or headphones at a comfortable level (not too loudly, for example), the click should not 'jut out' above the piano sound.

Wait until you try one of the Yamaha PSRsx keys... those black keys are a *lot* louder.

The Krome's keys are lower grade, btw.

I would suggest swapping for an 88 key if you can, because then the thump would be roughly the same between black and white keys, and thus probably less worrying?



*edit* oh, I see, you're saying that 2 of the black keys squeak a little louder than the others. Yes, they should take care of that or swap you another one. Or offer to swap you another board completely. No, it wouldn't bother me, but if it bothers you, yes, that absolutely should be under warranty. I've had boards with *inconsistent* key noise that were looked at under warranty (either swapping the keys or the board) from all brands, though.

DX7, CLP300, PSR60, Roland E20, CVP309, PSRS970, Fender Strat, Ibanez SA262, Yamaha CG131, Fujiyama FC390, TUC-Kitty
Jun 3, 2024
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Czech Republic
I hear the clicking with those 2 keys. Is the clicking amplified when you use an amp or headphones? Either way the clicking is not good for a new instrument and you should be entitled to your money back, in my view. (At the volume I play at home I would probably be hearing that and would find it annoying.)
The clicking is just mechanical issue - not going to audio outputs. If they would rejected me after seeing the photo + video, I would perhaps reconciled with that. But if they offered the exchange for new instrument I accepted. However after diagnostics in authorized service, they considered the instrument is 100% OK and want to send me that back. So I expected fast action and now I have lost 3 weeks and next 2 concerts I need to improvise without Nautilus. Their last statement was: "the instrument is on they way from authorized service and when we receive it we will review the solution of this claim". So let's see. But I am close to decision of getting the money back and buy the instrument elsewhere.
Jun 3, 2024
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Czech Republic
Finally, they sent me new instrument 2 weeks ago, everything looks OK, I am starting to explore the architecture. Thanks all for good points related.
Apr 27, 2022
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Glad you made it thru the nightmare! Now as you make these new discoveries how about sharing your findings with me. I have yet to scratch the surface and have had for past year. Always something coming up when I do sit down and get serious. I did however subscribe to Julius DeBerry on monthly basis, so there is some assistance there. And if the group doesn't want to hear about your successes I think you can just message me. Thanks

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