@Bouncingogre would you say the following are workarounds...
No footboard --> Add a MIDI pedalboard. Or, learn and embrace the "lowest note controls the bass" faculty of an intelligent arranger. (If you play arranger chords with altered bass, you really are playing three instruments with two hands. That might be the definitive reason to choose an arranger over a synth workstation.)
No stops --> simulate this with registrations?
No dual manuals --> split the manual, in some cases a 3-way split with two RH voices active, if the keyboard allows it
No couplers --> I'm not 100% sure what couplers do. Could this functionality also be simulated with registrations? Or is this a "right-hand harmony"-type thing, where chords you play on a lower manual trigger additional notes on an upper manual?
There's a frustrated church organist inside me trying to get out. I'll probably never own or play a real organ, but I would love to learn more about simulating an organ on an arranger. Thanks!!
No footboard --> Add a MIDI pedalboard. Or, learn and embrace the "lowest note controls the bass" faculty of an intelligent arranger. (If you play arranger chords with altered bass, you really are playing three instruments with two hands. That might be the definitive reason to choose an arranger over a synth workstation.)
No stops --> simulate this with registrations?
No dual manuals --> split the manual, in some cases a 3-way split with two RH voices active, if the keyboard allows it
No couplers --> I'm not 100% sure what couplers do. Could this functionality also be simulated with registrations? Or is this a "right-hand harmony"-type thing, where chords you play on a lower manual trigger additional notes on an upper manual?
There's a frustrated church organist inside me trying to get out. I'll probably never own or play a real organ, but I would love to learn more about simulating an organ on an arranger. Thanks!!