New motif xf!!!!

Jul 18, 2007
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Yea, the workflow and especially the effects part are very different between Yamaha and Korg.

5IFX are more then enough in Program mode... Most of the presets don't even
use all 5 IFXs. 5IFX in combi mode is also enough. I usually use "general" effects
such as reverb or choruses as master effects so i don't waste IFXs on such "trivial"
effects, and you can easily define how much reverb you want per channel via
the send tab.

I don't do any sequencing apart from recoding my stuff... but those are mainly
piano songs so it really doesn't matter since they consist out of 2-3 tracks max.

Just shows how important it is to choose a keyboard that fits your needs.
Jul 18, 2007
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Nah... i don't believe that... The s-XS series got out recently.

I would be interested in a "MO-F" or something like that... like a cut-down
version of the XF. They skipped that one with the XS. Maybe it's time to
make a mid-range workstation based on the XS/XF sounds
Oct 14, 2007
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Toms River,N.J.
Buying a mid-level workstation is tempting...for those who are impatient,which is why I jumped on the Korg M50 originally,instead of the M1.
I then however,exhausted the possibilities of the M50 rather quickly & ended up selling it to buy the M1.
For experienced players,buying a dead-end keyboard doesn't make any sense to me,as'll waste money(I learned my lesson with the M50,although I was fortunate enough to get a great price for it,when I sold it)...but I'll never make another compromise like that again.
Somehow I don't think that the XF is radically different,as it seems to basically be a refinement of the XS,but with enormous expansion possibilities.

That being said,I think the XS is a"upper-mid range level version of the XF...therefore,a "MF" version will never come to be.

It's really interesting to me that the Korg M3 is considered a mid level,scaled down version of the Oasys,but really,the Oasys was the most expandable keyboard workstation ever built & probably will be for years to come.
Also,what makes the Oasys unique,is that the sample audio is uncompressed-so to me,the M3 is just a miniscule spin off of the Oasys...sort of a distant relative.

I wish Korg had left out the audio recording & the CD burner & scaled down the size of the display of the Oasys a bit,so that they could have made the price more user-attainable.
I really don't understand fully,why the Oasys was more than twice the price of anything else they've ever manufactured-as after all,it was assembled in Japan.:confused:

Aug 5, 2010
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ok so your saying yamahas motif xf is upper midrange?

i think its pretty much as close to high end as you get in a gigable workstation.
Oct 14, 2007
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Toms River,N.J.
Excuse me for confusing you,so allow me to elaborate.....because of the upcoming XF,the XS,is now upper mid contrast to the XF.
Due to the XF having software companies like Sonic Reality for instance,for sound upgrades,puts the XF to a whole new level,therefore making the XF the "Patriarch" of the Motif Line(which in turn,makes the XS,upper mid range,in my mind).

Yes indeed,the Motif XF,is certainly as good as it gets currently and unless Korg comes out with another "Oasys"-type keyboard,the XF will be the genuine corn of the realm for years to come.

All this being said,I think Skipp's concept of Yamaha scaling down the XF to the level of their entry level workstations,is a bit silly(no offense meant,Skipp),because that's tantamount to buying a Korg M50,just because there's some remote relation to the Oasys.
Such a thing as a budget-dead-end M0-XF,would be nothing more than a "teaser trailer" for the flagship Motif XF.

Case in point; if one wants XF quality,then one should buck up & hunker down-as painful as it may be and discipline one's self to take all the time that is necessary,to save up the money to get what one is REALLY longing for.

As far as I'm concerned,the Motif XF is a bargain,because it's street price is exactly the same as the XS's,upon it's release a few years back.

I'm speculating that while the XF probably has a lot of the stock sounds(if not all) of the XS,it's still seems to be a very nice upgrade & offers quite a bit that no other workstation has currently and it's all for the same price...pretty impressive!

In light of all this,just imagine how much of the Motif XF would be missing from something like a budget M0-XF series....I just wouldn't see the point in that.

Then again though,I suppose there would be a great deal of beginners,novices,amateurs,semi-amateurs,upper end amateurs that would be very thrilled about a budget XF model & it would probably sell like hotcakes.

If by some chance this does happen,it would probably be at least two years,before it took place.

Jul 18, 2007
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You can't compare any keyboards to the OASYS since calling the "O" a "keyboard" or a "workstation" is a huge understatement.

It's basically a full production studio fit into a case that looks like a workstation keyboard.

You can compare keyboards in the same range like the motif / triton classic / fantom, or the motif ES / Triton extreme /Fantom X, or the M3, Motif XS / Fantom G etc...

Calling the XS a mid-range keyboard is not doing it justice. When a new flagship
comes out it doesn't mean the last one becomes mid-range.

What happens to mid-range keyboards of the same brand then? Do they become low-end? And what about low ends? Do they become obsolete?

I don't think so. :)
Oct 14, 2007
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Toms River,N.J.
Essentially was I was trying to say,is that pretty much all workstations still have their weak spots & with the exception of the Oasys,workstations continue to fall short in terms of not quite measuring up to computer software sample quality,with certain sounds.

Look....I really like the Motif XS a lot...a generous amount of ROM,great acoustic guitars & pianos & such,but like virtually every other workstation,electric guitar sounds are sh*t and to find some really unique synth sounds are rare.

Also,most workstations are only expandable to a I think that with the Motif XS,Yamaha is really onto something here...something revolutionary.
Aside from the Oasys & Kurzweil's V.A.S.T. synth engine in their PC3 series,Yamaha is really the first mainstream workstation to be intrepid enough to offer something that competes with computer software,in terms of memory,expansion & hopefully,sample quality as well(particularly with electric guitar sounds).

Since there will be integration with Yamaha & software companies like Sonic Reality,this will step up the workstation game to a whole new level-which to me,is the new "flagship" of workstations.

As good as the XS,M3 & Kurzweil PCS-series are,once more keyboards like the upcoming XF and Oasys-type keyboards become more commonplace,I foresee them as being upper mid range keyboards.

Yes,the Korg Oasys is somewhat of an anomaly,as an all-in-one studio in a box is too extreme,in terms of price & functions.
However though,I would like to see more keyboard workstations play upon the expandability concept & sample quality concept more and never mind the built in multi-track audio recorder,the 10" screen,& the CD burner,because it's just to damn expensive to integrate all that together & it's really unnecessary.

I think we are at the summit of a pivotal point in technology,where lackluster sample quality & limited expandability will be a thing of the past-which is great,because I am so piss-tired of buggy computer platforms & compatibility issues...along with worrying about how long you have,until your CPU & hard drive will be maxed out.

This is why I am willing to spend $2500 on a Motif XF-rather than another computer + more software,because running on memory cards & flash RAM is the way to it's efficient,lightening fast & worry free.

Of course DAWS such as my Presonus S1 will always be a mainstay,because multi-track editing is so deep & efficient & I could not do vocals & the final touches to my songs without it.................but I've reached a point where I am done clogging it up with more VST's.

Jun 1, 2010
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There doesn't seem to be such a big difference between the XF and the XS pricewise.

XF-8 2333 euros
XF-7 2699 euros
XF-6 3222 euros

Almost the same as the XS
Jul 18, 2007
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Yes, keyboards don't have huge sound libraries like VSTs do - BUT,
they are practical.

I would NEVER take a laptop (not to mention a PC) on stage, hook everything
up with cables and play via midi... Plus - working with dedicated hardware is always
much easier...

But you don't buy/use what you don't need - so everything has it's own purpose.

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