Never tried to change extension, but it will most likely not work, because the new filestructure is different.
You need to import the file by use of the converter tool at PA5X.
Example (If my mind don't fool me):
Copy the 'xxx'.SET into a USB drive , plug it to Pa5X USB port.
Click File/Menu/Convert (or maybe it is Import)
Browse to where your SET is to be converted and save it to a 'xyz'.KST file at desired destination.
You'll find 'how to' at Korg videos and other at YT, and of course in the user manual.
I don't have the PA5X here now, or else I would do a step by step at it to help you.
Unfornately the Korg Forum is down, been so for a long time now.
There is lots of help and info to find there, also about converting and such..
Hope this is for any help.
Here is some info I got at Korg Forum that I saved in a text document to help me when I did struggle convert older files.
STY files are not supported directly in Pa5X , only new STG format.
If you have scattered STY format Styles of older PaSeries in no SET format do the following :
- Create in your computer a new folder , name it MyOldStyles.SET , inside this folder create a sub-folder name it STYLE
and finally open this sub-folder and copy there all STY files you have.
- Copy this MyOldStyles.SET in a USB drive , plug it at Pa5X USB port , click FILE/Menu/Convert browse this folder and
MyOldStyles.KST will be created.
- Explore and play Styles directly from that folder (from Player one) and then you can load those that are sounding properly in your setup.
- Normally if Styles are coming from International version PaSeries almost all will play correctly since Pa5X has all those sample resources.
There is a specific architecture in STYLE folder of STY files in older PaSeries.
They must be in order of BANK01.STY up to BANK15.STY , FAVORITE01.STY up to FAVORITE12.STY and USER01.STY up to USER03.STY of every SET
so if you have many SETs , follow the above for every set with different SET names and not just copy f.e. the same BANK01.STY of every set there
since it will overwrite the previous one.
When you will convert all those SETs to KST format , then you can merge all in one STYLE folder all converted STG files
since Pa5X has no style Banks and you can copy in STYLE folder of Final.KST thousands of standalone STG files.