On going debate with the sound man and some band members

Jan 30, 2020
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Ok, so I’m already outvoted here - however my research and logic still convince me my logic isn’t invalid.

I run two keyboards with stereo outs. They go direct to my personal mixer, where I send a single stereo feed to the main desk via a stereo DI. My personal mixer also received my monitor feed for in ears.

The debate is the sound guy and the bassist insist I need to send both keyboards stereo feeds through their own DI to the desk. They state this is because the need to EQ each keyboard separately because of the different patches. Great in theory, but each keyboards runs different patches for each song. Some I have split sounds, some dual sounds - relevant in one of my points below.

There are a number of reasons I prefer my set up to their preference, the main ones being:

1. Less cables, quicker set up, quicker pack down. Uses less channels on the main desk (not always an issue, but sometimes can be)

2. Their reasoning is for individual eq. Not sure how this would help as the majority of gigs we don’t have a sound man out front. Each keyboard runs different patches for each song. Some I have split sounds, some dual sounds from piano, pads, EP, lead synth, organ etc. Individual EQ won’t help in this situation unless a sound man out front is there and really on it right? Leading to point 3:

3. The only feed to my in ears is my monitor feed, so I can hear the balance going to the desk between my keyboards - so I can adjust accordingly based on this. Just as a guitarist might use his volume pedal, or a singer using mic control - at least that’s my theory. With no sound man at most gigs, this is the only way I can control patch levels live.

Of course I can be flexible, and I have everything need with me at all gigs for both scenarios. But even the Key Largo, one of very few dedicated keyboard mixers, only send one stereo line to the desk so someone agreed with me 🤷‍♂️

What do you guys do here, and what are your honest opinions? It’s a tension point and I almost want to just let them do as they wish. But it’s my set up based on my research and I feel like my points are valid.
Apr 4, 2012
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All of my patches are gig-balanced and EQ'd. So when i switch to a different patch the volume is balanced and the patch is EQ'd and the soundman doesnt have to touch anything. If you havent done this then you need to spend time in the woodshed making this happen; then your discussion is a non-event. This one' s on you....
Jan 30, 2020
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Thanks for replies, sometimes people fill you with self doubt in these situations!!
Jun 25, 2010
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The less control you hand off to a sound man who doesn't exist, the better.

And since the keyboards keep switching and combining sounds, only two EQs matter... the ones programmed into your patches, and any global EQ that may be needed for the entire system based on the peculiarities of the room. Individual EQs for keyboard channels is pointless in this scenario.

Honestly, even when there is a sound guy, unless it's our own guy who knows our songs and sounds, I don't even really want him adjusting the relative balance of one keyboard vs. another. Heck, when I've got a hand on each, he won't even know which sounds are coming from where, so how is he supposed to be able to balance them?

The more controversial decision here is probably whether you should be sending a stereo feed or a mono one. ;-)

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