Programming rotary CC numbers for a CK88

Mar 26, 2021
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Hey all; MIDI noob here looking for some advice. I'm trying to program CC numbers on a MIDI controller (M-Audio Oxygen Pro) for controlling organ settings on my Yamaha CK88. I've got the faders working for drawbars fine (had to set the min 127 and the max to 0 to get them moving in the right direction) but they work great.

What I'm having trouble with is the rotary speaker controls. The manual says the rotary is CC# 9, and values as follows:
- Slow: Transmitted 0, Recognized 0-63
- Stop: Transmitted 64, Recognized 64
- Fast: Transmitted 127, Recognized 65-127

So I've tried 3 approaches; and all of these work fine, but ONLY if I use buttons on the CK to turn the rotary on first. If I don't, then the buttons on the MIDI controller do nothing.
- mapping a button to CC Cycle with 3 values, 0, 64 and 127
- mapping a button to CC Cycle with 2 values, 0 and 127
- mapping 3 buttons to individual values to 0, 64 and 127
- mapping a dial to the CC number with min 0 and max 127

Anyone have any suggestions? Not the end of the world, I use live sets/registrations for all my songs anyways, so I can make sure those all have the rotary on and stopped when I load them and it will work ok, just wanted to see if anyone had a solution or an idea of something to try
Apr 4, 2012
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What's the CCc# on the CK to turn the rotary off and on? Map that value to the M-audio then create a preset on the M-audio so that when the preset is called up it sends a midi message to turn the rotary on the CK.
Mar 26, 2021
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What's the CCc# on the CK to turn the rotary off and on? Map that value to the M-audio then create a preset on the M-audio so that when the preset is called up it sends a midi message to turn the rotary on the CK.
I think that's the issue - there isn't a specific CC number in the manual for rotary on and off; just for slow, stop and fast. I looked at the manuals for the YC61 and even the Reface YC just to compare and of all things the Reface has an explicit CC# for On/off, but like the CK, the YC61 doesn't (just has the same slow, stop fast the CK does)
Apr 4, 2012
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See if you can create a preset on the CK with the leslie 'on'. So call up a program, turn the leslie 'on' then save that program as a different preset #. If you then call up that preset and the leslie is 'on' use that preset as the preset the M-audio calls. So when you want to control the organ that is the preset the M-audio calls and the leslie will be defaulted on.
Mar 26, 2021
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See if you can create a preset on the CK with the leslie 'on'. So call up a program, turn the leslie 'on' then save that program as a different preset #. If you then call up that preset and the leslie is 'on' use that preset as the preset the M-audio calls. So when you want to control the organ that is the preset the M-audio calls and the leslie will be defaulted on.
Yeah thanks - I've got all my band's songs in there as presets already so I did that for the organ ones; then I created a couple generic organ ones that have the rotary on but stopped that I can use. I actually contacted Yamaha support and got a reply that the STOP signal is supposed to turn on the rotary if it's not on (but it doesn't) so they're recommending that for a future update. I'm curious if this is an issue on the Yamaha YC61 as well (it has the same MIDI CC number settings as the CK, with no explicit ON number).

Anyhoo with the registrations it's not that big a deal
Apr 4, 2012
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I actually contacted Yamaha support and got a reply that the STOP signal is supposed to turn on the rotary
This response from Yamaha makes little sense to me. What does a Stop signal have to do with the internal leslie being on or off. Further, if they are going to do a future update to fix the issue, why wouldnt the fix simply be a CC function that can be called to turn the rotary function or or off. So under their solution if you wanted a default slow or fast speed option upon the call of the preset it would be a two step process, first a stop call to turn the rotor on which defaults to Stop then a second call (or button push) to move to slow or fast from stop. Your basically doing that now except in reverse order, first you have to turn on the rotor on the CK manually then you set the speed with the program call.

They're proposed solution makes no sense to me, that's why Yamaha was last to the party in the organ/leslie area. They need to stick with the piano functionality ....
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