If you want a drum sequencer that can "do it all" then you may as well start looking at high end grooveboxes which are really more like workstation modules with the same kind of learning curve.
You can literally take almost any kind of sequencer and control multiple tracks these days, from drum synths to hardcore romplers and synths.
How much do you wanna blow and how much pain can you stand during the learning curve?
Cheaper and easier to get a simple drum box, add it to your system and add a standalone sequencer like the Arturia Keystep Pro do all the heavy lifting.
I recommend this particular model because half the battle of programming is eased with 3 octaves of mini keys and control of up to 4 MIDI channels at once.
You can build simple rhythms or complete interpolations depending on how hard you work at it.
It's all up to you man...