It's possible to update a bricked juno-d !!
When you see an empty lit screen and nothing works anymore, it means it is bricked. This happens because of a failed update.
So before throwing it into the garbage:
1. download the SMFPLAYR software and install it
2. download the latest firmware v1.04
3. connect your Juno through a (short) midi cable and turn it on, wait for half a minute.
4. Load the midi folder with the firmware midifiles into the smfplayer and press start.
When the firmware fails to load, it's memory is empty. BUT in this case it is set to automatically receive firmware through MIDI at boot time.
Just turn on your Juno and start uploading the firmware.
There are 2 possible outcomes:
1. The '0' button starts flashing. this means it is receiving data. When this is finished, '1' and '2' will flash simultaniously and now you can recycle your juno. et voila, it works again.
2. The '0' and '1' buttons flash on and off the moment you start the sfplayer. this happened to me 2 times, the third it worked after hitting all the buttons out of frustration at the same time.
So, it is possible to revive a bricked Juno-D. I thought of trying this trick because this is also the case with some bricked asus routers after a failed firmware update.
I bricked it when updating to 1.04 from 1.02. I used the midiOX midi player and a 5 Meter MIDI cable. It went wrong halfway the first midi file.
Using the SMFPlayer is much easier anyway because it does all the files automatically in numeric order.
The link to the SMFPlayer software doesnt work on the juno page, just google it and its there at the roland site.
Good Luck!