I'm reminding that we almost never play a song perfectly, or even the same way twice.
Truer words have never been spoken my friend. The fly in the ointment is that we are all Humans! Not Robots!
Personally I like to chalk those up to "style" and people who work in note -or-note cover bands scare the heck out of me.
For me it's all about my childhood fantasies of owning and playing a synth, which my ever-so-practical father incessantly reminded me that "music is for losers" and "you have to be born with talent."
That's why, even though I loved music since forever, I bought my first flute on my 19th birthday and been rocking out to my favorite artists ever since.
Even today I still do my daily practice sessions without any dots to read. I just put my MP3 Player on Shuffle and try my hardest to keep up with Patti Smith or Peter Gabriel, or Stevie Wonder or Gentle Giant (THAT STUFF WILL KILL YA

or even Wendy Carlos and add my own sweet vibrations to these epic tunes all while honing my ear training and my muscle memory. Keeping up with the key changes is half the fun.
Sometimes a half step accidental is just the price you pay for being human.
But yep, the instant after you hit it, another perfect note fills the gap