We know and he knows that his board doesn't have the ability to do it identically the way the Fantom G does it because the functionality doesn't exist in his keyboard. Knowing those facts he then asked this:
" ... Please explain how to do this... 3 note chord =
1) High note played by trumpet only
2) Middle note played by tenor sax only
3) Low note played by trombone only
Got any ideas on how to make this happen? .."
There are only two answers:
1) It can't be done on your keyboard like the Fantom series because your board doesn't have that functionality OR ...
2) Here's an alternative way of getting you there .....
The first thing he asked was whether any current keyboard could do it. The answer was Genos.
The later "please explain how to do this" you're quoting was in response to someone saying it could probably be done on a Krome (i.e. in context, he was asking how to do it on a Krome). It's obviously perfectly reasonable for you to essentially reply that, you don't know about how to do it on a Krome, but here's how you could do it on a Kurzweil. The thing is, what you explained does NOT do what he asked for, for multiple reasons. First is because of a line you omitted from your quote, which I will re-insert here, in italics...
Please explain how to do this...
Single unison note = all 3 horns play the same note
3 note chord =
1) High note played by trumpet only
2) Middle note played by tenor sax only
3) Low note played by trombone only
Got any ideas on how to make this happen?
though that could be created separately, using more zones (albeit likely at the expense of playability, esp. single-hand playability). Second, the functionality he is looking for is not necessarily limited to playing only major triads (or button-switchable major or minor triads), as you described. Third, as he explained it in that post and more explicitly in his other posts, he is looking to actually play the chords (e.g. press three keys to get the three notes, press one key to get one note, presumably press other numbers of keys to get other numbers of notes... IOW, play "normally", rather than triggering chords from single keys). That is related to the first two I mentioned, since it addresses those limitations... i.e. playing "normally" means you can play any intervals you want at any time, and shift seamlessly between single-note lines and chords. Assigning chords to keys doesn't do these things.
Again, I'm not saying that what you suggested wasn't useful! I'm just saying that you misunderstood the goal when you started by saying,
"I'm assuming that you mean play one key on a keyboard and hear a 3-note chord, each note a different instrument......" -- No, that's not AT ALL what he meant. That's why that was the part of your post I quoted.
But sure, even though it's not what he meant, what you suggested is another way to achieve a similar effect in some situations, so it's an approach worth mentioning. (And it is something that could be done on many boards... including Krome.) Just because I pointed out that your assumption that his desire was to hear a 3 note chord by playing a single note on the keyboard missed the mark, that doesn't mean I think your suggestion didn't have value. Assuming he doesn't want to buy a Genos, any suggestions for alternate ways of getting, if not the same thing, then at least something of a similar effect in some situations, could possibly be useful. Like your suggestion, and the one that Biggles posted in post #13.