I use a Carvin KB-1015 keyboard amp. Awesome! Best rig I've come across to date. Used to use a Roland KC500 and a Yamaha PA. Carvin takes the cake 
i aggree with guy below, the KC550 [price £549 - gear4music] i have 2 0f them and also its smaller brother the KC350 the bass end is terrifict far more than the "inderstrey standerd" peavy KB300 witch i used to own but got rid of it when i cot the rolands. the keyboards i use with it are all rolands GW8 / JUNO DI /JUNO STAGE/ also YAMAHA P35 + AKAI MINIAK so i wouldnt hesitateing in recogmending you to bye one for your self, or like me get two as you can then use them in proper stereo [ie plug stereo keyboard outs into each stereo pair on amp one and conect at the back, the stereo out to the stereo in on the back of amp two . [note though the roland amps only have one master 3 band eq wearas the peavy had 4 band eq on all of its channel - then again in my opinion keyboards should allways be set flat on an amp as all the requide tone shaping is available on all modern keyboards themselves. also reading more other posts regarding saying that the kKC amps sound dull, what i have to say about that is quite obvios to any one , just turn up the top end eq on your keyboards ! as all modern keyboards have that facility even, on many keyboards dedicatid master eq, and sound is magic. ! and regarding the bass end ive compaird the massive bass output on the KCs to a peasvy UL15 PA speaker with umpting mixer/amps combinations tuning the bass right up on the mixer/amp and still the bass on the KCs blow away the bass on the former with no bass boosting eq on the KCs at all. so if you want powerfull "mini moog" like bass i still recogmend the roland . when useing my KC i have to turn down the master bass eq on my roland keyboards [glad they have them] + the KCs also, even have a subwoofer line out ! ! !Does anyone have suggestions regarding the best keyboard amp for a Hammond XK-3c, Yamaha Motif, Roland Fantom and a Korg Trinity to play through simultaneously, live with a funk band?
as i said my KC550 out performed my peavey UL15 + mixer amp, on the bass end, but then again i do admit that the peavy PA speakers [only one 15" driver + horn] ar abit lacking in response and the best system for a verry good sound will always be a TOP RANGE PA speaker with large powerfull horns. ie the exspensive ones like HK / JBL / ELECTRO VOICE etc but i do also have pair of peavy HI SYS 4 [pair 15" drivers + horn] witch witch are overwellming loud/powerfull run from pne side of a PA 1000 + 1000 power amp run from varios diferant mixers. and the sound with keyboards is amazing. but no one wants to lug that much gear around with them for small/medium sides gigs. thats why a good decent combo will allways be a good buy. also i normaly hav my KCs behind me when giging coming off a behringer R1602 8 stereo chanell line mixer witch has a seperate monitor out to the power amp inputs on my KCs [ totaling 370 w] and a stereo out to go to my main PA [3 KW]After going through 6 keyboard amps I learned that those are lame systems. They only put out volume and part of the sound your keyboard can truly produce. Even the most basic mixer and power amp with a pair of good speakers allow us to enjoy the true stereo sounds we are meant to hear from our keyboards.
At NAMM 2016 Hammond show a LS2215 I got one myselfI have enjoyed reading this. I haven't really found a keyboard amplifier yet that suits my needs. I typically use 2-3 keyboards; a Korg Krome 88, Korg Krome 61, and I just purchased a Hammond XK1c. I also sing and play guitar on a few songs. I have been using a QSC Touchmix 16 digital mixer, 2 K-12 powered speakers and a KW-181 powered sub for a PA system. The digital mixer has 6 XLR aux outputs and 2 stereo outputs. I run all of the keyboards and my guitar processor through a Mackie Mix12FX mixer into one of the stereo channels on the QSC Touchmix. I route my vocals and the stereo channel to one of the XLR aux outs on the mixer out to a powered Behringer B115D speaker. The Behringer isn't the greatest, but sounds better than most keyboard amps I've tried. I have vocals, keys, and guitar all running through the mixer into one monitor. It sounds very good. I can add effects if needed. The Hammond sounds awesome with a little extra reverb! This is the setup that seems to work the best for me so far.
Does anyone have suggestions regarding the best keyboard amp for a Hammond XK-3c, Yamaha Motif, Roland Fantom and a Korg Trinity to play through simultaneously, live with a funk band?
I'm Looking at the KC880, but my tech buddies are trying to steer me towards the QSC153 or the JBLsrx835p. I have a RD 2000 any thoughts on these powered speaker as opposed to the KC880?
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