You know... I STILL drool over the OASYS

I LOVE the work surface and the atmosphere of using a workstation like that.
I know a number of owners were feeling a bit cheated (non-owners alike) when the Kronos was released as a successor to the OASYS. The Kronos certainly did not look the part of a flagship, even though the internals were vastly superior to the OASYS. There was something about the flagship OASYS, well, looking and feeling like a true flagship (along with the price tag).
I have had the opportunity to buy an OASYS at least a few times over the course of the years (my wife even was paying a local store monthly for one for me as a gift), but I never pulled the trigger on it. Now, some 15+ years later, is it even worth it to get one, or would it be a better idea to go with the Kronos? I think that we would have too much upgrading to do on the O platform to get it current (HDD to SSD swaps, battery replacement, etc...) for use today. It is also limited by only 2Gb of RAM.
I do not think that it was Korg's intention to mass produce and sell the OASYS, at least from what I have read over the years. It was more of an experiment of what a true flagship 'all-in-one' workstation could really be and do. I believe they succeeded.
I hope that they do not repeat the phasing out of support for the Kronos like they did the OASYS. With that said, the Kronos has been around for more than twice as long as the OASYS and while many feel that there could have been more updates to the Kronos during this time, they really have taken care of it for the life of the product.
The OASYS is still selling on different market platforms anywhere from $2,500 to $4,000. That is not too bad considering its age. The Kronos seems to be holding its price pretty well too, all thigns considered.
Even if the Kronos is discontinued, there are still a number of third-party developers out there producing product for it. I do not think that it will go away anytime soon. If Korg do release something new, one can only imagine how they might top the mighty Kronos...