Thank you all again for the awesome advice and suggestions. At the moment i am wanting to keep both instruments separate, playing the majority of stuff on the CTK as that is what i am primarily using to learn the a-b-c's of keyboard playing, if that makes sense and using the MicroKorg for choruses/solo's. Best example I can give at the moment is regarding one song i am trying to learn to cover, although this is more a side thing as only just starting to practice simple exercises on the keyboard via some online lessons, as well as co-ordination of using both hands. Anyway, the song is called Closer by Nine Inch Nails (contains bad language/adult themes if one was to give it a listen with vocals), where I have the idea to play the verse on the CTK and the parts after (where he sings 'you get me closer to god' in the song) the chorus separately with the MicroKorg, programming the sounds/patches in so i can alternate between playing the Casio and the MicroKorg. So, rather than being able to use the keys on the Casio to play the MicroKorg. Even tho i will be playing them together eventually, i would like to keep them as separate instruments if that makes sense. On a side note, and this is just my opinion which is in the minority as so many people cannot praise it enough, the keys on the MicroKorg are horrid so i can see myself changing that for something else soon. Shame really as it really packs a punch and sounds amazing through the Sennheiser headphones but just won't do what i am wanting to do.