This is an old picture from 1989 of a band I was in. I"m the guy inn the middle.
Ah, Fusion! I"m a lover of that genre. Dl DiMiola, Chick Corea, Mahavishnu.... The guitar player on the end, Andy Walsh is a fan of fusion too. I was in fusion jam band with him in the 80s called the Cunning Stunts! Back in those days we'd play gigs that had only 1 song per set. And we'd jam for 45 minutes at a time. Lots' of feel changes, tempo changes, key changes, and solos. Solos for days! I played tons of screaming lead synth like Jan Hammer and Chick Corea. We mostly had a bass player named Malcom Surrey but sadly, he passed away. We'd just grab a good drummer and play. We'd even get paid and return bookings!
Nowadays it doesn't happen except in the basement. We also used to jam in Andy's basement studio a lot. These days we usually have Norm Hacker on bass, A guy I've known since high school, and Frank Russel on drums.
In this band from left to right we have Tim Hains on bass, Al Reilly on lead vocals, me on keys, guitar and vocals, Scotty Lawson on drums and Andy Walsh on guitar.
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