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Destroyer of Eardrums!!!
May 30, 2012
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GTA, Canada
Jeremy >>> I've never heard of these guys before but they're a great fusion jazz band. Added to my CD Wish List!

Gary ;)
Oct 9, 2017
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Originally Phil Collins of Genesis was the drummer. He payed on, I think the first 3 albums. My favourite is Unorthodox Behaviour.
I don't know if they've ever been released on cd but it's worth a look.
There are a couple of other videos from the same guy there too.
Glad you enjoyed it!


Destroyer of Eardrums!!!
May 30, 2012
Reaction score
GTA, Canada
I ordered "Masques", "Do They Hurt" and "Product" from Amazon. All of them had 4 stars and above ratings.

I don't drag my feet when I discover a new band :)

Gary ;)
Oct 9, 2017
Reaction score
I totally get it! Unfortunately I'm out of work at the moment. The company that I worked for went belly up at the end of August. This means no buying of anything that isn't a necessity for a bit. Otherwise I'd be getting CDs as well. And awesome synthes too! One can never have too many, you know?


Love Music / Love Life
Nov 18, 2015
Reaction score
Melbourne Australia
I'm out of work at the moment. The company that I worked for went belly up at the end of August.
Sorry to hear that Jeremy. It happened to me too (a few years ago now) so I know the feeling. It's tough too when we reach a certain age no one wants us. Even though we have the knowledge and experience of our trades but we still get pushed away for young ones. I was lucky however was able to start my own business.
Best of luck in getting a new job man.
Oct 9, 2017
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Just discovered this. I've been a fan of Steven Wilson's old band, Porcupine Tree for years. This is as far as I know form his solo career.

Sep 6, 2017
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Lancashire, UK.
I totally get it! Unfortunately I'm out of work at the moment. The company that I worked for went belly up at the end of August. This means no buying of anything that isn't a necessity for a bit. Otherwise I'd be getting CDs as well. And awesome synthes too! One can never have too many, you know?

Sorry to hear that Jeremy.

I found myself out of work many years ago after years of working for the worst Company in the Country and I set up in business for myself. For twelve successful years I worked for who I wanted, and for as long as I wanted, even went part time to give me more free time for living. My business was an Engineering Consultancy, zero assets, just selling my services, then after what would be my final Contract I retired, bought a Porsche and now live life as we want.

Don’t be afraid of trying something new, go for your dream, good luck in whatever the future is that you make for youself and your family.


Destroyer of Eardrums!!!
May 30, 2012
Reaction score
GTA, Canada
As of Midnight tonight, local time, it will be legal to fire up a doobie in Canada...

It seems only fitting to play a few of my favorite anthems from the 70's and 80's...

As for obtaining legal weed?

As of Midnight tonight it will only be available online in Ontario from a mail order site :p


So I expect the streets won't be clogged with stoned drivers until a couple of days from now :D :D :D

Gary ;)
Last edited:
Oct 9, 2017
Reaction score
Personally, I'm already nervous when I drive on the highway. But in honour of this day I've started working on a song. It's tentatively titled, "On the Phone and Stoned!". It's about driving your car. I haven't yet decided on whose perspective it should be as my song is still in the very early stages. I can't decide on whether it should be the "stoned and on the phone" driver, or people like me who have to put up with those "stoned and on the phone" drivers. My best advice to those of us who no longer indulge in the herb are to either stay indoors or buy an M1 Abrams tank to travel in!:rolleyes:

Oh well, we'll see what happens. Hopefully nobody gets hurt. So once again in honour of this day I thought I'd let all you wonderful folks here in Keyboard land have a listen to this old song form a good ol' band from the good ol' days!



Destroyer of Eardrums!!!
May 30, 2012
Reaction score
GTA, Canada
Gotta love Dr Hook and the Medicine Show but I really coulda done without the Magic Mike impersonation in the middle of the song :p

I too fear for my life once the stoners get behind the wheel and worse still the cops are going to become really edgy once it happens. Get into a minor fender bender and suddenly they're rushing you to a clinic in handcuffs to run blood tests.

The thing is, that THC is persistent in your fat cells for months after a toke and people have vastly different tolerances for its effects.

Back in the 70's when I was young and stupid we had no designated drivers and we'd drive back from the bars blasted on weed and shooters and never so much as sustained a scratch on the car. Then again, in those days if the cops caught you impaired, the worst that could happen was a night in the drunk tank and free donuts and coffee in the AM before they let you go.

Nowadays the government has announced a zero tolerance policy for marijuana impaired driving and nobody seems to know what the limit is or how it will be determined.

Things could get really ugly really quickly if the cops intend to abuse that kind of power.

Personally, back in the day, I knew stoners who performed at complex jobs who were constantly buzzed. They drove safely regardless of how much THC was in their bloodstream at the time.

But today, the weed has been tested to be ten times stronger on average and traffic has grown exponentially worse in the past 40 years.

I have the suspicion that we are all about to learn some very painful life lessons in the next few years to come. :eek:

I composed this one last year when parliament first passed the law. ;)

Gary ;)
Sep 6, 2017
Reaction score
Lancashire, UK.
Caro Emerald is exciting. She features here on this thread a few pages back.
I discovered her myself on youtube.

Wow! What an awesome concert you will see no doubt Col. Looking forward to your review.


Wow what a concert it turned out to be, a total sell out, the venue rocked.

We love latin music and Caro Emerald and her band enthuse a party atmosphere, just how the lead guitarist can play a solo whilst performing a Charleston is beyond me.

Talking of band, keyboard on the left with acoustic piano, Nord Stage and Melotron, percussionist with just about every typre of hand drum possible and their own keyboard, drummer with two sets and his own keyboard, bassist with two basses and one double and keyboard, trumpeter with two and a percussion set, guitarist with so many I lost count, the prize for the most varied range goes to the saxophonist with an alto and bass sax, clarinet, percussion set, keyboard and he even took over the main keyboardists Nord when he was on acoustic.

As you can see from the instruments available the wall of sound was there all night.

The first half of the set was her newer numbers with each being superbly performed and enthusiatically received but then she sang one of her major UK hits That Man and the venue errupted, everyone incluuding this old codger on their feet dancing, singing and clapping, and we stayed standing for the rest of the set.

21 songs performed and its exit stage left to thundrous applause and cheers, 3 more songs to go in the encore with A Night Like This closing the show, the embedded video is from my iPhone hence audio dynamic range is a bit limited.



Love Music / Love Life
Nov 18, 2015
Reaction score
Melbourne Australia
Nice review Col. But I hate concerts where everyone is standing and cheering and dancing .. Just want to enjoy the music.
But at least it sounds like it was worthwhile for you.
Good for you.

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