What does it really mean to "play keyboard"?

Nov 24, 2022
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I would guess that most of the great musicians have "borrowed" from other musicians, perhaps more so or less so, but I'm not so sure there is much "original" stuff out there that didn't have at least portions of its origin in something already previously done. Many will take an "idea" from someone they've heard and will expand, alter, or otherwise make it "their own" in some way.

To my thinking, that's kinda the way music works.


Destroyer of Eardrums!!!
May 30, 2012
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GTA, Canada
@Biggles >>> He raises a valid philosophical point. Any song is nothing more than a repetitive series of phrases. And each of those phrases, or riffs, correspond to certain natural or unnatural finger gestures on a keyboard. Glueing it all together with music theory makes transcription easier. Measure by measure, note by note, the patterns repeat and evolve until the song is done.
Nov 24, 2022
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Glueing it all together with music theory makes transcription easier.

Makes a person have to ponder, what came first? Music theory? Or attempts to make sense of what sounded good at the time and why someone likes it? LOL!!

Such fun! :D

I know this might not be in everyone's genre, but I was messin' with a tune I hadn't played in a while, maybe a week or so ago. It's a Bill Evans tune, "Waltz For Debbie". I didn't get out the lead sheet but my brain was kinda wondering, what key is this thing actually in? So I started to play it and paid attention to the chord structure. Lots of 6-2-5's, 2-5's, and some extensions and excursions beyond that, but the thing I found quite fascinating was that it does not resolve to the 1 chord until the very end of the song. Was Bill intentionally seeing how far he could go without resolving to the 1 chord? Was it a mental exercise for him? He did have an amazing mind. I think he had a fascination with taking things where people did NOT expect them to go. "Very Early" was another example of that, think where the natural place for the chord structure to go in your mind, it won't be going there. LOL!
Jun 29, 2021
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This is inspired by a recently resurfaced old thread from one of our "one-and-done" members that was replied to 13 years late 😄

The late response touched on this somewhat, but what I thought was really interesting was the OP's comment "there is no good keyboard teacher available so that is why I decided to learn piano".

I'm sure most of us here recognize there are pretty big technique differences between playing piano, organ, arranger keyboard, synthesizer, etc., not to mention the various styles/genres. And also that there are a lot of variations of what is described as a "keyboard" (arranger, workstation, stage piano, etc.). I imagine when an aspiring player first states that they want to "learn to play keyboard" they're likely envisioning something like they've seen/heard from Yes, ELP, Pink Floyd, Dream Theater, etc. I think if they were specifically looking to learn to play piano they would probably state that. But otherwise: who knows?

So I'm curious: If someone says they want to learn to "play keyboard", or they say "I play the keyboard", what pops into your head, or what questions do you have for them?

P.S. If a discussion already exists on this subject, feel free to point me to it or have it merged.
I tend to think of 'playing keyboard' as meaning anything from synth, to organ and piano, but the other definition is more like playing keyboard is a home enthusiast playing the old Electones in the 1970s :)
Jul 1, 2022
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@Biggles >>> Он поднимает обоснованный философский вопрос. Любая песня — это не более чем повторяющаяся серия фраз. И каждая из этих фраз, или риффов, соответствует определенным естественным или неестественным жестам пальцев на клавиатуре. Склеивание всего этого вместе с теорией музыки упрощает транскрипцию. Такт за тактом, нота за нотой, шаблоны повторяются и развиваются, пока песня не будет закончена.
What is the pleasure in the simple descending gamma?? I absolutely sure everybody on that forum can play it! BUT!!! Only one man had an idea HOW to play it (many times !!! simple descending gamma!!!) to ... delight the whole world forever!!! :)
Last edited:
Dec 30, 2019
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Ive had to define this in my piano performance group because i refuse to call myself a pianist. to me playing piano is playing solos with melody and too much flair, to classical pieces. Keyboards enhance a song within a jamming group consisting of each person playing an individual instrument. Keyboards don’t play much or complex but just enough.
Synth player are those like you guys who also do sound engineering and develop full performances.

For better or worse i stand between each. While it’s been a number of years i still mostly use arrangers as is without editing. It works for my skill level and it’s just for fun at this point. And i’m liking guitar more these days lol
Jan 28, 2022
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Portland Oregon USA
Playing a keyboard, you really have to ask what kind of music because that can mean a number of different things.
I spent a year of college as a music major in my 20's.
Then I played bass in a top 40 band 6 nights a week for a year in my 30's.

Now I am over 70 and have a Yamaha synth and Ableton Live 12. I am enjoying creating songs to learn / practice.
I program the drums, bass, keyboard chords, and practice playing solos on the keyboard.

There is always more to learn. What amazes me is that I went from playing one instrument (bass) to being the whole band now, and playing every part.

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